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why does oblivion suck


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WOW oblivion Sucks!! if morrowind had came out a few years later it would DOMINATE! omg the storyline, the quests the indepthness of the game is AMAZING Oblivion is so...so....plain, so lack luster its just lame...


am I the only one who feels this way? is there some way we can petetion the next game to be more like morrowind? cause oblivion is Lame, just has better graphics....

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Firstly - I play Oblivion. I hardly ever play Morrowind. If nothing else, I won't give up being able to spellcast while holding a weapon and/or see people sitting down and sleeping. :D But I dearly miss Morrowind's landscapes, quests and lore, and its unique and fascinating creatures (Oblivion's are either borrowed from it or from Western folklore that's already overused in fantasy gaming).


Those of us who are PC gamers are wont to blame the console market for the "dumbing down" that happened between Morrowind and Oblivion. Since Morrowind exists for consoles as well, that doesn't really seem likely.


One might think Morrowind was an inspired fluke, but Daggerfall was a huge and absorbing game with tons of custom content as well (bigger than Morrowind, actually; the reason I don't own or play it has to do with pixels). No one really knows why Bethsoft decided to take Oblivion back away from the deeper ES lore toward vanilla fantasy.


Fortunately, Oblivion is only slightly less moddable than Morrowind - so we can fix it. And have. ;)

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