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[LE] Fireblight: Need help with spell


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I am completely new to Skyrim modding, I have experience with other utilities but I have never used papyrus script. I want to make a spell that creates an imperfect circle of fire that expands slowly outward, destroying grass, changing tree models to burnt versions, and changing the texture underneath to a sort of ashy grey dirt. If this is impossible, then I simply want a spell that eliminates grass and trees using the firestorm spell animation in an area with no fancy things about it. I realize it would probably be a lot of work explaining things to me as a new modder, so if you're too lazy to explain to me I'd simply like to know whether or not this is possible, and if it is possible what resources I should look into on my own to do it.

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Your idea can be done, but it requires from the modder to have an "Experienced Modder Status" in order to overcome a lot of issues that your idea has. (is not by far a simple idea).

The fact that you want to make it for PS4 automatically forbives the creation of such mod since PS4 won't allow the use of new scripts, and none of the vanilla scripts can help you achieve your goal.

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Does the ps4 have the ability to remove grass and trees through scripts?


There are ways to disable things via default scripts, but in the particular fashion you're describing I think you'd need some custom code, and some fairly deep experience with the Skyrim engine and how it handles things. In particular I'm not sure how you'd get past the problem that magic effects can only be applied to people. Objects can register being hit, but you'd have to already have some sort of script on them in the first place to catch that, which'd not be simple.

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Does the ps4 have the ability to remove grass and trees through scripts?


To make this idea a reality you need as foamyesque said,
"some fairly deep experience with the Skyrim engine and how it handles things"
once you have that you will also need good knowledge of some external programs, since some of the things you will need it's going to be custom made.
Now to achieve the creation of such idea you need to think outside the box... way outside !, in fact this cannot be achieved by using all the conventional modding practice, this needs a modder with the ability to innovate outside all the conventional modding practice.
A lot of things like replacing the trees/grass with a burned one in an exterior cell in real time CANNOT be done using conventional modding practice, or retrieve info on the meshe's texture they are sitting on.
As foamyesque said.
"magic effects can only be applied to people"
* And as i said before PS4 doesn't allow the use of new scripts (custom made scripts), so this immediately forbids the creation of such a mod.
I'm not trying to discourage you, i'm trying to explain you as simple as i can how difficult and complex your idea is even for an experienced modder.
Edited by maxarturo
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