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Hello, my idea is wieldable lanterns that could be held by citizens who go out at night or the guards could hond them. Also... we need darker nights. look out you window tonight, can you see from anvil to bruma and 20 past 1 am? no... Because you don't live in tamreil... :blink: But thats off the point... what we need is dark nights and lanterns... what do you think?


(also caves need to be darker...) I tried this but all the monsters can't see either so they're cluelessly running about the cave like bumping into be and wandering off :blink:



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That involves changing the texture of the sky... and its glow map i would imagine...



Ouch sounds tricky... Well it's just an idea for anyone to have a go at the they so desire... This is just an idea i came up with when i looked at the lantern next to me

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One of the mods I use, not sure which one it is, adds usable lanterns. I'm thinking it was Mart's Monster Mod (I know it wasn't JQ's, as I never installed that one). The only disadvantage to them is that they have weight, while torches don't.


EDIT: Yep, here we go. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14442 Has options for "no lanterns", but includes them by default.

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Hello, my idea is wieldable lanterns that could be held by citizens who go out at night or the guards could hond them. Also... we need darker nights. look out you window tonight, can you see from anvil to bruma and 20 past 1 am? no... Because you don't live in tamreil... :blink: But thats off the point... what we need is dark nights and lanterns... what do you think?


(also caves need to be darker...) I tried this but all the monsters can't see either so they're cluelessly running about the cave like bumping into be and wandering off :blink:



Lanterns have been done by other people as well. I have lanterns made for my world mod... which I believe you also offered to help. I may decide to release a normal version of the lantern as a standalone resource at a later date.


As for darkness, this is best solved just by lowering your display or monitor brightness. I have an unnaturally dark monitor by default, so night time is usually like pure black. Same with caves. But believe there is also a mod, called "longer days, darker nights" which does what you are sort of getting at. Mob sight however has little to do with the lighting in the area unless sneaking, and if the mob has a high security skill, they will still likely detect you.

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