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A blender question.


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What a first post for my new account (the old one died... somehow). Anyway, me being a dunce I can't work out the most simple part of blender - importing a .nif. I am using this tutorial (couldn't get it to link. web address is at the bottom) but when it says to click "File > Import > NetImmerse/Gamebryo" it simply isn't there. I have honestly no idea what I am doing and I thought this would be the best place to ask :P. Thank you to anyone who can tell me how to import stuff. :thanks:




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I know a fair amount about Blender; but inasmuch as I wrote the confusing tutorial, it's unlikely I would be able to help much. Particularly if you didn't actually read it (since the part that says "you need to download the NIF scripts" is at the very beginning).


If you could be specific about what you're having trouble with, I will be happy to try and help.

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Yeah, the first bit was all my error. Nothing wrong with your tutorial at all. I'm just no good with computer programs more complicated that Microsoft word. Sorry If I caused any offence. Also I'm sure I'll need to take you up on that offer of help some time.


On another note, thank you for all the help everyone! I'm sure I shall be plaguing you with my horrible Blender creations in no time! :P

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