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holycraparoni - BANNED

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holycraparoni banned.





Agressively criticising another member and her/his content solely based on personal dislikes and mod description

Particularly offensive and objectionable remarks towards other members

Entitled behaviour



Comments 26 April 2020:



10:07 AM:

This is cringe, stop trying to make your degenerate fantasies about spamming aerials like a tard into reality. If you ever played another title you'd know that the weapon is not designed like that, so git gud imbecile. All the people downloading this are inbred zoomers, you heard it here.


10:08 AM:

You're so bad if you genuinely believe that. Please just stop raping the weapon or uninstall, both are acceptable.

Edited by holycraparoni, Today, 10:09 AM.





From Nexus Support/Help/Policies and Guidelines/Forum and Commenting Guidelines (excerpt)




Be Civil!


We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.


Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.


• Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.


Within this community, you are not inherently entitled to another's time, work, or creations. Comments or posts that imply otherwise may be subject to moderation.




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