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A question and a request


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I recently got a new pc and now I can finally play and mod skyrim on it. Now I have a question about the creation kit

If I buy a house like breezhome (probably spelled that wrong) and I throw something at the floor, like a map. is it possible to load a save file with the creation kit and make that map static and put it on the table.

I have a lot of items that I want to place at tables etc but they all just fall down on the floor when I leave the house, makes me miss morrowind or even oblivion


Also if there is any experienced modder out there that want a good idea for a mod I have a request, if someone can make a mod that can make dynamic items static and maybe let me rotate them that would be awesome.

I know there is a mod that do that for some furnishing that already is dynamic but that's not what I want

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