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I need help I've been trying to get ENBs to work for two days now.


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This has been a long process, I still haven't made any progress at all. I copied this from my reddit post so please excuse any formatting issues.


I don't know if this is allowed but this is a repost because I originally posted this at 12am. Hopefully, someone will see it now.

I have been working on Skyrim mods since 8pm its 12am now. Trying to install the T.A.Z. Visual Overhaul and when I finally launch the game I get giant purple and black lines on my screen and no clear imaging of anything. Any help would be appreciated.

Pc Specs:

i5 8600k
gtx 1050ti
16gb DDR4



Please any help would be highly appreciated, also hope everyone is having a happy quarantine


Edit: Still searching for solutions but it seems no one has the same issues


Edit: I tried reinstalling everything and starting from scratch and also using a different ENB preset (Rudy) and still no results


Edit: It's the next day and I'm still trying to install ENBs. I have gone nowhere with reinstalling and tutorial videos etc. For reference here's what happens when I use Rudy

ENB https://imgur.com/a/ls3zrge please any help would be greatly appreciated

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