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Need help with cape I'm using DLC1VampireLordCapeAA.

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So my issue is that the cape physics works in game but for some odd reason its shreds the cape into piece soon as you come out of the inventory. I've tried converting it to a BSTrishape but that just makes the physics stop working or makes the cape disappear as soon as it's equipped. NiTrishapes the physics work but the cape looks like it's been through a shredder like the images below. I'm nearly done with my mod and this is the final piece if anyone has any clue as to why it's doing this please share. I've went through the entire nif of the vanilla cape as well as a mod called flowing capes and can't seem to figure out why the cape acts up. Another thing I would like to say is even the flowing capes mod acts up too but the cape just flickers. The cape maintains it's shape. I am using Biped 45 in CK.


This how the cape supposed to look.




But it it ends up like this.



Edited by wapeddell1
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No idea, what is the issue, but may advice would be.


Cloaks OF Skyrim by Nikinoodless and Nazenn https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6369

1) Read the postings for troubleshooting with other mods!
2) Download the mod archive and look inside the .esp and the nif-files to understand how they made is working?

3) The dawnguard armor "DLC1VampireLordCape" was designed for race "DLC1VampireBeastRace", no other race should wear the cape.




FormID    DLC1VampireLordCape "DLC1VampireLordCape" [ARMO:02015BC1]

    First Person Flags:    Amulet
    General Flags: (ARMO)Non-Playable

    RNAM - Race    DLC1VampireBeastRace "Vampire Lord" [RACE:0200283A]

    MODL - Model Filename
           DLC1VampireLordCapeAA [ARMA:02015BC2]

Armor Addon
FormID    DLC1VampireLordCapeAA [ARMA:02015BC2]

    First Person Flags:    Amulet

    RNAM - Race    DLC1VampireBeastRace "Vampire Lord" [RACE:0200283A]

    MOD2 - Model Filename
           Actors\VampireLord\Character Assets\VampireCape.nif
           1 BSBehaviorGraphExtraData:
           3 NiStringExtraData NiBlock:
                   Txt NPC Spine2 [Spn2] [5]


FormID    DLC1VampireBeastRace "Vampire Lord" [RACE:0200283A]
    WNAM - Skin    DLC1SkinNakedVampireLord [ARMO:020023F5]

    ANAM - Skeletal Model
           Actors\VampireLord\Character Assets\Skeleton.nif

    Behavior Graph
    MODL - Model Filename

FormID    NordRace "Nord" [RACE:00013746]
    WNAM - Skin    SkinNaked [ARMO:00000D64]

    ANAM - Skeletal Model
           Actors\Character\Character Assets\skeleton.nif
           actors\Character\Character Assets Female\skeleton_female.nif

    Behavior Graph
    MODL - Model Filename



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