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Need help with necromage fix mod


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So I installed Unofficial skyrim Patch, and it made the Perk Necromage not work with your spells if you're a vampire (im stage one btw). So I loaded up the creation kit, opened the Unofficial Skyrim patch and opened up Necromage perk. It had two effects (multiply spell magnitude and duration) I clicked on one, opened up the target tab under conditions. It had a entry "getisID Actro;player == 0.00 and. I'm guessing this is what causes you to lose the perk affecting your spells. Now i deleted both from each effects. I saved up the esp, installed it and put it as last of my load order so it would overwrite the Unofficial patch. I load up skyrim and my perks, enchanting and active effects aren't affected. I have no idea what to do, It's either the patch is overwriting my counter fix, every single magic was changed so it can't be affected (which is not likely as this would require fixing every perk, every spell, every enchantment plus everything that affects those things or there is more to change. Please help
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It might be included in the USKP retroactive fix scripts (which run after all plugins are loaded). It's pretty apparent that Necromage affecting castable buffs and other Perks was unintended once you start looking at all the things it buffs and how ridiculous some of it becomes (90ish unarmed damage :facepalm:) hence the USKP fixes this.


If this is the case, and you really wanted to undo the fix you'd either have to decompile, alter and then recompile the script it's included in; or make your own script that removes the "isSelf" condition and is delayed long enough to be guaranteed to run after the USKP's retroactive scripts run.


This kinda makes me wonder how complete Perk overhauls and such aren't having issues with being run alongside the USKP though.

Edited by MShoap13
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