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Max HP Issue


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So I never noticed this until recently in NV, but my level 33 character with 5 Endurance seems to only have 150 Hit Points. The mods I use are Project Nevada with Primary Needs HUD. My character was a sniper so I honestly never checked my HP cause usually I never let anything get too close. As I went to the Quarry Junction however to fight Deathclaws, I noticed a normal Deathclaw was able to 1 shot me, and a Young Deathclaw took slightly more than 2 hits to kill me. I figured it was 1 of 2 things, either Project Nevada's rebalance scaling broke it, or maybe it was a bad Save Game at 1 point. Now, the NV Wiki says the HP scaling is as follows (not counting Project Nevada): 95 + (Endurance x 20) + (Level x 5). In my case this would be: 95+100+165 which should equal 360, not 150. So I decided to test 1 of the possible issues by starting a new game and having the character start out with 10 Endurance. After doing so I noticed the new guy only had 200 HP, which is still wrong considering the Wiki's calculation (It should start with 300). I also completed all the beginner quests at Goodsprings to raise my level to 2 and noticed my max HP didn't raise as it should, just stayed at 200. Any help would be appreciated, hopefully without having to reinstall the game and all mods, cause with Windows Vista, it's a huge pain in the ass and I don't have it in me to even bother.
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Damage and Combat Options

* Less Hitpoints for Player and NPCs


Although that really should be 'Fewer'. Anyway, that's in the rebalance module.


Thank you very much. Don't know why I didn't think to just check the PN Settings.

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