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Vortex and .ini files


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I'm running into an issue with a grass mod for New Vegas. I've used the Authors downloadable .ini file and updated the game .ini files and the mod is not showing in game. Going through the mod Authors Q/A I came up with this.


"Q: I've changed the .ini and i use the highest iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure (12), it doesn't seem to work because i don't see any flowers!
A: Make sure no other mod or program overrides the new setting you made with its own ini settings. Programs like Mod Organizer have their own folder with .ini's, they can have higher priority than other ini's.. it can be quite the mess..


I could not find a Vortex .ini file that might be interfering and wanted to know if I should keep looking at Vortex or elsewhere?


The mod in question is https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66865?tab=posts "A Wasteland in Bloom by Vurt


Thank you



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