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Skyproc patchers causing CTDs at Ivarstead


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Help! I've been getting consistent CTDs when I try to enter or even approach the area around Ivarstead in any way. After discovering the magic of STEP, I reinstalled Skyrim with the mods listed below, plus ASIS and Reproccer. I made sure to load them last in the modlist in the order: ASIS dependency, ASIS, Reproccer. I started at Riften, used the carriage to get to Whiterun and walked to Riverwood, all without problems. But when I try to fast travel to Ivarstead, my game loads for a bit then CTDs. I've tried walking to Ivarstead, but I CTD within seconds of leaving Riverwood. I tried saving just outside Riverwood, at the bottom of the snowy hill. I loaded the save then did absolutely nothing: CTD within several seconds. I even tried starting a new character at Ivarstead's inn and tried to go outside, still CTD. This only happens when I load either ASIS or Reproccer or both, and only seems to happen around that area. Any help would be really appreciated.













Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm









Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp


Rooster At Dawn v1.0.esp

Warmer Magic Lights v2 - White - Big.esp

Fantasy Music Overhaul Redone.esp


Economics of Skyrim.esp

Economics of Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp


Ars Metallica.esp

Ars Metallica - Dawnguard.esp

Ars Metallica - Hearthfire.esp

Behemoth Dragon.esp

Better Skill and Quest Books Names.esp

BLESSINGS - Altar Descriptions.esp

Bring Out Your Dead.esp






Death Cam Duration Options.esp


Immersive Battles.esp

Immersive Brigands.esp

Immersive Dawnguard.esp

Immersive Patrols.esp

Immersive Travelers.esp

Immersive Werewolves.esp

Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Default.esp





Real Wildlife Skyrim 0.1.esp

skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp


Convenient Horses.esp

Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

Character Creation Overhaul.esp




Artemis Hunting Gear.esp






Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp

Elemental Staves.esp


Guardian of Noctunal.esp




Lineage 2 Weapons.esp

master alchemy book.esp





R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp

Ranger's Cape.esp


Sapphire Rose.esp


Schwertleite Set.esp



Tribunal Robes by Zairaam.esp



ERSO 13 - MD - A Better Level Progression.esp


Gildergreen Regrown.esp


Run For Your Lives.esp


The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp




Distant DetailHF.esp

dynamic fires.esp

Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp


Immersive Weapons.esp

masser Size x0.5.esp

More Salt Please.esp

dD-No Twitching Dragon Death Animation.esp





secunda Size x0.5.esp


dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

Uncle Sheo.esp

Waterbreathing Breathless Emerge.esp

dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Reduced.esp

Predator Vision.esp

Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp




More Visible Soul Trap Effect.esp


Realistic crime report radius.esp


Duel - Combat Realism.esp

Dual Wield Parrying_ScriptDragon.esp

The Dance of Death.esp


CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp








numenume femalebrows MARO.esp





UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp

UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp



Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp







Follower Trap Safety.esp


Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp



Animated Weapon Enchants.esp


Blacksmithforge water fix.esp

Cartographers Map Markers.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - WoodElf.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - RedGuard.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - ORC.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Nord.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Khajiit.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Imperial.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - HighElf.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - DarkElf.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Breton.esp

PC Exclusive Animation Path - Argonian.esp

SKSE Hotkeys.esp



Phenderix's Ultimate Magic System.esp

Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp

S&D mad princess.esp

Ebony Samurai Plate Armor.esp


SavaGhost's pack o tests.esp


WiS Fantasy World.esp


Fang Outfit .esp




Papyrus from when I used Better Fast Travel - Carriages to try to fast travel to Ivarstead:


[12/23/2012 - 12:13:15PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:15PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:15PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:20PM] Cannot open store for class "dlc1scwispwallscript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "LukasDetectLife_Script", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "chherdingquestscript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "CBCSkullNoteSkript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "QF__01064481", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] error: Unable to bind script QF__01064481 to LTDDragonTest09 (5E064481) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "GripAddSkillBook", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] error: Unable to bind script GripAddSkillBook to aaaAddSkillBookTest (710012C5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "_SAGPlayerAliasLivresDejaLuScript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "SKI_ConfigBase", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Error: Unable to link "SKI_ConfigBase" - the parent of "HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript".

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] error: Unable to bind script HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript to GophersHuntersVisionConfigQuest (7B01C43E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "innermightv2", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] Cannot open store for class "SF_STOMarkarthVaultBlastScen_01034D58", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:21PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_STOMarkarthVaultBlastScen_01034D58 to (83034D58) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_MarkarthJeerahNurWarrenId_040095E0", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script PF_MarkarthJeerahNurWarrenId_040095E0 to (940095E0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] Cannot open store for class "ski_questbase", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnPageReset()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnPageReset()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnPageReset()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnPageReset()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnPageReset()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in MHP_ConfigScript.OnGameReload()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script MHP_ConfigScript to MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "OnPlayerLoadGame" in state "" on object "SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias".

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::ModName_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Failed to find variable ::Pages_var used in _WetSkyUIConfig.OnInit()

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script _WetSkyUIConfig to _WetSKConfigQuest (B701BCA8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] Cannot open store for class "xxxAddPerkWhileActive", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BA) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A0F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A10) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A11) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A12) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:22PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A13) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] Cannot open store for class "SpawnTheStormcloaks", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnTheStormcloaks to (BE006B0E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] Cannot open store for class "SpawnImperialSoldiers", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnImperialSoldiers to (BE006B0D) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529D0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A3) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A14) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26ED) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0007502A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00031763) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005F813) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0001BC98) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00062243) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005A2AB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 2 in container (0005A2AB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0002E974) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF42) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF69) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C31) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C2B) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C25) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0003E4F7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCSkullNoteSkript to (4500F64E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0001F0C6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005ED64) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000235FF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0009889B) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0006286C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00062869) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000AD7DC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000AD5BE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00015DDA) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000628F5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00057BE0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0200D1B0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:13:23PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (60046022) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (0A01ED3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Property aaaankBossScene on script aaaAnkBossAliasScript attached to alias BossAlias on quest aaaAnkmazeBossFight (6004A262) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (6004A266) is not the right type

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script _SAGPlayerAliasLivresDejaLuScript to alias Joueur on quest SAGUpdateAlreadyReadBooks (73000D64) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Rumarin on quest RumarinQuest (94145C24) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Droid on quest DialogueTheRelic (94044B3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias AnumLa on quest AnumLaQuest (941413D9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias DarRakki on quest DarRakkiQuest (94044B38) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Brakh on quest DialogueBrakh (940C2D72) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Jaspar on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Flin on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Dar'Rakki on quest DialogueDarRakki (94002912) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQuest (9412A16A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Nelos on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_playerscript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property RedguardRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property NordRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property ImperialRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property KhajiitRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property BretonRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property OrcRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property ArgonianRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property WoodElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property ArgonianRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property KhajiitRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property NordRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property WoodElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property DarkElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property HighElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property HighElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property BretonRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property RedguardRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property ImperialRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property DarkElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property OrcRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property PlayerQuest on script MHP_Write attached to (B6007EA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C00) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C06) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C07) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C08) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C09) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B601DD23) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011DA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301749A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property DLC1UnearthlyWill on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property DLC1SupernaturalReflexesPerk on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300E291) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C595) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C590) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C578) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C575) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B3F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B05) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301519A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D5B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D68) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Bodan on script dalumeideathscript attached to (94142A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireJenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Belrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Erik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireStenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireBelrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Jenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireErik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Marcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireVorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Vorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Stenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property CanRehireMarcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Dragon on script SpawnTheDragon attached to (BE005813) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300B570) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C57C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property SabreCat01 on script SpawnTheMonster attached to (BE004089) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:17PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] VM is freezing...

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] VM is frozen

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] Reverting game...

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A12) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26ED) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0002E974) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0009889B) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnTheStormcloaks to (BE006B0E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A14) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00031763) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A0F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C25) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005ED64) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C2B) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0003E4F7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script GripAddSkillBook to aaaAddSkillBookTest (710012C5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (60046022) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A13) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529D0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script PF_MarkarthJeerahNurWarrenId_040095E0 to (940095E0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 2 in container (0005A2AB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000628F5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00062243) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000AD5BE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000AD7DC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0200D1B0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A3) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0001F0C6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCSkullNoteSkript to (4500F64E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00093C31) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00057BE0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00015DDA) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF69) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF42) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0001BC98) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005F813) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A10) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script MHP_ConfigScript to MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script _WetSkyUIConfig to _WetSKConfigQuest (B701BCA8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript to GophersHuntersVisionConfigQuest (7B01C43E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0007502A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BA) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script QF__01064481 to LTDDragonTest09 (5E064481) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_STOMarkarthVaultBlastScen_01034D58 to (83034D58) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0006286C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00062869) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000235FF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005A2AB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnImperialSoldiers to (BE006B0D) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A11) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Brakh on quest DialogueBrakh (940C2D72) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Nelos on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Jaspar on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Droid on quest DialogueTheRelic (94044B3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQuest (9412A16A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias AnumLa on quest AnumLaQuest (941413D9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias DarRakki on quest DarRakkiQuest (94044B38) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Rumarin on quest RumarinQuest (94145C24) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Flin on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Dar'Rakki on quest DialogueDarRakki (94002912) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script _SAGPlayerAliasLivresDejaLuScript to alias Joueur on quest SAGUpdateAlreadyReadBooks (73000D64) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (0A01ED3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011DA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property DLC1UnearthlyWill on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property DLC1SupernaturalReflexesPerk on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D5B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B05) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B601DD23) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Bodan on script dalumeideathscript attached to (94142A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireJenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Belrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Erik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireStenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireBelrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Jenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireErik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Marcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireVorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Vorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Stenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property CanRehireMarcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C00) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C06) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_playerscript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300B570) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C595) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B3F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property RedguardRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property NordRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property ImperialRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property KhajiitRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property BretonRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property OrcRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property ArgonianRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property WoodElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property ArgonianRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property KhajiitRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property NordRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property WoodElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property DarkElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property HighElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property HighElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property BretonRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property RedguardRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property ImperialRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property DarkElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property OrcRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301749A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300E291) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] error: Property aaaankBossScene on script aaaAnkBossAliasScript attached to alias BossAlias on quest aaaAnkmazeBossFight (6004A262) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (6004A266) is not the right type

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D68) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Dragon on script SpawnTheDragon attached to (BE005813) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C575) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C578) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301519A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C590) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property SabreCat01 on script SpawnTheMonster attached to (BE004089) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property PlayerQuest on script MHP_Write attached to (B6007EA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C08) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C09) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:18PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C07) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C57C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] Cannot open store for class "TIF__01008167", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:19PM] error: Unable to bind script TIF__01008167 to topic info 2600348D on <NULL quest> because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Loading game...

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_PPop_ThiefFlee_0201276D", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ThiefFlee_0201276D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PPop_ReturnHome", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_ReturnHome referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "npcthrowweaponscript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type npcthrowweaponscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PPop_Enabler", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_Enabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PPop_Init", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_Init referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_PPop_ReturnHome_0200801B", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHome_0200801B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PPop_ObjectRef", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_ObjectRef referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_PPop_ReturnHomeN_02009B01", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeN_02009B01 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "throwweaponscriptref", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type throwweaponscriptref referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "PF_PPop_ReturnHomeChildren_0200DBF5", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeChildren_0200DBF5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] Cannot open store for class "throwweaponsneakscript", missing file?

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Unable to get type throwweaponsneakscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeChildren_0200DBF5 in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponscriptref in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ObjectRef in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeN_02009B01 in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Init in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHome_0200801B in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ThiefFlee_0201276D in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:14:59PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] VM is thawing...

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function call


[alias PlayerAlias on quest MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD)].mhp_playerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MHP_PlayerScript.psc" Line 18

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] error: File "CCO - Uninstaller.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 25

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] error: File "CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2398

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] error: File "CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2404

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:38PM] error: File "Hearthfire.ESM" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[footprintsVCQuest (3F007490)].footprintsvcscript.UpdateDLCList() - "footprintsVCScript.psc" Line 294

[alias footprintsPlayerRefAlias on quest footprintsQuest (3F001DFB)].footprintsPlayerScript.Maintenance() - "footprintsPlayerScript.psc" Line 80

[alias footprintsPlayerRefAlias on quest footprintsQuest (3F001DFB)].footprintsPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "footprintsPlayerScript.psc" Line 33

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordLevitateSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 19

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 51

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 34

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 34

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordLevitateSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 19

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 51

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 35

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 35

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] *** Convenient Horses *** Scanning for external resources. Errors might be logged.

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 66

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 67

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 68

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] error: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 69

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:39PM] *** Convenient Horses *** Scan complete.

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:40PM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. The errors below are harmless.=====

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:40PM] error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_WetQuest (B7000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 80

[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (B7000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:40PM] error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_WetQuest (B7000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 133

[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (B7000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:40PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[AUA (3C004A88)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 47

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:41PM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] VM is freezing...

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] VM is frozen

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] Reverting game...

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A12) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26ED) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0002E974) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000E26EE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnTheStormcloaks to (BE006B0E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A14) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A0F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script GripAddSkillBook to aaaAddSkillBookTest (710012C5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A13) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529D0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script PF_MarkarthJeerahNurWarrenId_040095E0 to (940095E0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A5) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A4) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A6) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00062243) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529A3) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCSkullNoteSkript to (4500F64E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script CBCCrossbowEquipPerkSkript to (45002FAC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B7) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00057BE0) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF69) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDF42) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000DDEE8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0001BC98) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005F813) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A10) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script MHP_ConfigScript to MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script _WetSkyUIConfig to _WetSKConfigQuest (B701BCA8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script HuntersVisionSkyUIConfigMenuScript to GophersHuntersVisionConfigQuest (7B01C43E) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0007502A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BA) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script QF__01064481 to LTDDragonTest09 (5E064481) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script SF_STOMarkarthVaultBlastScen_01034D58 to (83034D58) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529B8) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0006286C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529CE) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000529BC) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (000235FF) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (0005A2AB) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script SpawnImperialSoldiers to (BE006B0D) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:45PM] error: Unable to bind script xxxAddPerkWhileActive to Item 1 in container (00095A11) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Brakh on quest DialogueBrakh (940C2D72) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Nelos on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Jaspar on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Droid on quest DialogueTheRelic (94044B3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQuest (9412A16A) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias AnumLa on quest AnumLaQuest (941413D9) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias DarRakki on quest DarRakkiQuest (94044B38) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Rumarin on quest RumarinQuest (94145C24) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Flin on quest DialogueJasparGaerston (94025759) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Olivia on quest RDQDialogue (9413580F) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias Dar'Rakki on quest DialogueDarRakki (94002912) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script _SAGPlayerAliasLivresDejaLuScript to alias Joueur on quest SAGUpdateAlreadyReadBooks (73000D64) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Unable to bind script AnvilDencheckjusticar to alias Justicar on quest AnvilDenQuest (0A01ED3C) because their base types do not match

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBB0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011DA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property DLC1UnearthlyWill on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property DLC1SupernaturalReflexesPerk on script playervampirequestscript attached to PlayerVampireQuest (000EAFD5) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D5B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF0) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B05) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF8) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B601DD23) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF2) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005A6CA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFE) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C02) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Bodan on script dalumeideathscript attached to (94142A90) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireJenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Belrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Erik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireStenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireBelrand on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Jenassa on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireErik on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Marcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireVorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Vorstag on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Stenvar on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property CanRehireMarcurio on script sethirelingrehire attached to DialogueFollower (000750BA) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C03) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C00) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C07) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C06) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0D) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0E) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_playerscript attached to alias PlayerAlias on quest MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300B570) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C0A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C09) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (00032D9F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C595) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B3F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property RedguardRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property NordRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property ImperialRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property KhajiitRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property BretonRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property OrcRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property ArgonianRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property WoodElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property HircinesRingPower on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property ArgonianRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property KhajiitRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property NordRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property WoodElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property DarkElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property HighElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property HighElfRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property BretonRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property RedguardRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property ImperialRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property DarkElfRaceVampire on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property OrcRace on script companionshousekeepingscript attached to C00 (0004B2D9) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301749A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300E291) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D66) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] error: Property aaaankBossScene on script aaaAnkBossAliasScript attached to alias BossAlias on quest aaaAnkmazeBossFight (6004A262) cannot be bound because <NULL form> (6004A266) is not the right type

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D6A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D68) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (0005FC0F) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C575) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03011D57) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C578) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralFadeShader on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragonSpectralRemains on script LTDDragonMainScript2 attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonMainScript attached to (000FDBAF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C590) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property SabreCat01 on script SpawnTheMonster attached to (BE004089) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFC) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BFB) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property PlayerQuest on script MHP_Write attached to (B6007EA3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017C08) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF1) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016B01) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (03016AF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0301519A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009AF) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF6) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF7) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (0300C57C) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Equipped on script mhp_setsscript attached to (B6017BF4) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property bResetOnLoad on script MannequinActivatorSCRIPT attached to (030009B3) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon05FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon02FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property LTDDragon03FrostsageSpike on script LTDDragonFrostsageScriptAlduin attached to (0004424B) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:16:46PM] warning: Property Dragon on script SpawnTheDragon attached to (BE005813) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] Loading game...

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type throwweaponscriptref referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeN_02009B01 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeChildren_0200DBF5 referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type throwweaponsneakscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_ObjectRef referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type npcthrowweaponscript referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_Enabler referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_ReturnHome referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ReturnHome_0200801B referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PPop_Init referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Unable to get type PF_PPop_ThiefFlee_0201276D referenced by the save game. Objects of this type will not be loaded.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type SKI_PlayerLoadGameAlias in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeChildren_0200DBF5 in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponscriptref in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type throwweaponsneakscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ObjectRef in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type npcthrowweaponscript in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHomeN_02009B01 in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Init in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_Enabler in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ReturnHome_0200801B in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PF_PPop_ThiefFlee_0201276D in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:48PM] warning: Could not find type PPop_ReturnHome in the type table in save

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] VM is thawing...

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: Cannot call OnGameReload() on a None object, aborting function call


[alias PlayerAlias on quest MHP_ConfigQuest (B602C4CD)].mhp_playerscript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "MHP_PlayerScript.psc" Line 18

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "CCO - Uninstaller.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 25

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "CCO - Oblivion Carry Weights.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2398

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.ToggleModules() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2404

[_sycMainQuest (3D0012C4)]._sycmainquestscript.VersionControl() - "_sycMainQuestScript.psc" Line 2330

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.onBeginState() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 28

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.GotoState() - "Alias.psc" Line ?

[alias PlayerAlias on quest _sycMaintenanceQuest (3D005EE6)]._sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_sycMaintenanceRefAliasScript.psc" Line 20

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] Wearable Lanterns is now performing compatibility checks. Papyrus warnings about missing or

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] unloaded files may follow. This is normal and they can be ignored.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3818

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3819

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "Chesko_WearableLantern_Candle.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.CompatibilityCheck() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 3825

[alias _WL_Player on quest _WL_LanternQuest2 (27007FDB)]._wl_lanternoil_v3.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WL_LanternOil_v3.psc" Line 368

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] ========================================[Wearable Lanterns: Warning Start]========================================

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] Compatibility check complete.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] ========================================[ Wearable Lanterns: Warning End ]========================================

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:50PM] error: File "Hearthfire.ESM" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[footprintsVCQuest (3F007490)].footprintsvcscript.UpdateDLCList() - "footprintsVCScript.psc" Line 294

[alias footprintsPlayerRefAlias on quest footprintsQuest (3F001DFB)].footprintsPlayerScript.Maintenance() - "footprintsPlayerScript.psc" Line 80

[alias footprintsPlayerRefAlias on quest footprintsQuest (3F001DFB)].footprintsPlayerScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "footprintsPlayerScript.psc" Line 33

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordLevitateSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 19

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 51

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 34

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 34

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordLevitateSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 19

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 51

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 35

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "MM_BeluaSangunaireRevisited.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetFormlistFromMod() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 10

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.GetBeluaVampireLordWalkingSpellsList() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 23

<unknown self>.huntersvisionutilityscript.AddToBSRSpells() - "HuntersVisionUtilityScript.psc" Line 52

[GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].huntersvisionmaintainancescript.Maintenance() - "HuntersVisionMaintainanceScript.psc" Line 35

[alias Player on quest GophersHuntersVisionQuest (7B000800)].HuntersVisionLoadScript.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "HuntersVisionLoadScript.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] *** Convenient Horses *** Scanning for external resources. Errors might be logged.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "Convenient Horse Herding.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 66

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 67

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "HothFollower.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 68

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] error: File "CompanionValfar.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.GameLoaded() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 69

[CH (3B020329)].chquestscript.OnUpdate() - "CHQuestScript.psc" Line 94

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:51PM] *** Convenient Horses *** Scan complete.

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:52PM] =====Wet and Cold is refreshing itself and searching for addons. The errors below are harmless.=====

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:52PM] error: File "1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_WetQuest (B7000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 80

[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (B7000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:52PM] error: File "SkyUI.esp" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[_WetQuest (B7000D63)]._wetquestscript.Maintenance() - "_WetQuestScript.psc" Line 133

[alias Player on quest _WetQuest (B7000D63)]._WetPlayerAlias.OnPlayerLoadGame() - "_WetPlayerAlias.psc" Line 10

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:52PM] error: File "XFLMain.esm" does not exist or is not currently loaded.


<unknown self>.Game.GetFormFromFile() - "<native>" Line ?

[AUA (3C004A88)].AUAQuestScript.OnUpdate() - "AUAQuestScript.psc" Line 47

[12/23/2012 - 12:17:53PM] =====Wet and Cold is finished refreshing itself and searching for addons!=====

[12/23/2012 - 12:18:07PM] error: (00013698): cannot speak a None topic info.


[ (00013698)].Actor.Say() - "<native>" Line ?

[DialogueCarriageSystem (00017F01)].carriagesystemscript.PlayerIsSitting() - "carriagesystemscript.psc" Line 79

[alias CurrentSeat on quest DialogueCarriageSystem (00017F01)].PlayerRiderScript.OnActivate() - "PlayerRiderScript.psc" Line 9



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With this many mods, and no Bashed Patch, I am not surprised you CTD as soon as you try to leave Riverwood. There's probably at least a dozen things that will cause CTD with this load order (are you using BOSS?). So the first 'fix' I suggest is the remove SkyTest. SkyTest does not run well with a large load order (the author even says that on his page). It was responsible for 99% of the outdoor CTDs in my game.


Also, while I don't use ASIS, I do know that many mods are supposed to be added to its 'mod exclusion list' (so much so, in fact, that many people wonder why there it uses a 'mod exclusion list' rather than 'mod inclusion list'....). So start adding mods in your load order to the ASIS 'mod exclusion list' to see if it helps stabilize the game (for now...).

Edited by ripple
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I uninstalled SkyTEST, disabled ASIS and downloaded WryeBash - I've never used it before so I hope I did the bash patch right. I'm already noticing improvements everywhere, so thanks a lot! I still can't enter Ivarstead though. Prior to trying your suggestions, after reloading a previous save I could then leave Riverwood and get pretty close to Ivarstead. I 'discovered' it, but I can't cross the bridge without a CTD. Using tfc I can get as close as I like and look everywhere, my character just can't get too close to the road. Disabling Reproccer solves that, but since Reproccer supposedly only changes weapon, armor and alchemy ingredient stats I have no idea what's happening. If you or anyone else could give any more advice, that would be awesome.
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