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Great news!!


Chesko, the author of the awesome mod Frostfall, will be tweaking the way he checks for vampires to determine exposure immunity to expand it to all undead -- including liches! This is currently slated for 2.1 (current version is 2.0), but with any luck Frostfall 2.1 will be out at around the same time (or ahead of) Lichdom 1.0! :biggrin:

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Dead flesh that's magically imbued with power would probably be much less likely to have issues. Additionally if you're moving around a lot it's less likely that key movement points would freeze up (which is the main concern since you can have your arm frozen solid and not be harmed as an undead, so long as it doesn't break and fall off). I imagine hypothermia and frostbite will be significantly, if not totally, nerfed for undead.
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Dead flesh that's magically imbued with power would probably be much less likely to have issues. Additionally if you're moving around a lot it's less likely that key movement points would freeze up (which is the main concern since you can have your arm frozen solid and not be harmed as an undead, so long as it doesn't break and fall off). I imagine hypothermia and frostbite will be significantly, if not totally, nerfed for undead.


If I remember correctly, it's possible to disable the "Undead doesn't die of cold" thing in frostfall.

However, the frost resistance still adds to resistances. (Obviously)


And that's how I am going to configure it for myself.


I don't really think it's that fun to just disable the frostfall by turning into undead, but surviving a bit longer in blizzard is just fine.

But anyhow, I am really glad to hear Chesko is willing to.. Well.. Help :biggrin:

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The thing with hypothermia isn't joints freezing solid or anything, it's organs shutting down -- the human body has to maintain a certain core temperature range in order to function (not too hot (heat stroke), not too cold (hypothermia)), but an undead body has no such need, since it has no functioning organs to worry about the cold. (This is the same justification for the frost resistance, by the way.)


Still, an undead body might have to worry about freezing solid, but then again maintaining a body temperature no colder than 33F/1C with magic would be trivial when you consider that it's plenty capable of flame spouts and hurling exploding fireballs...

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I think extreme cold should just slow down the undead, you have to think if they are freezing up they're already limited movement speed is going to take a hit. They should still get some of the nerf effects of frostfall, but should not be able to die from it. I mean, really, how can you freeze the dead to death? Burning them makes logical sense, if you burn their body up, they fall apart.


I do think freezing solid sounds like a good idea, but if an enemy happens to be close by and you can't just wait it out, it can be a real pain in the ass.


Frostfall would really need to change so that you freeze first, then dye soon after, and so that the undead just don't die, and stay frozen until the blizzard passes, or the sun comes up, etc.Though falling in the water and freezing solid could spell doom, for the undead, as they sing to the bottom, frozen forever.

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