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Because threatening someone is the best way to encourage them to keep working on it.

Yes because being sarcastic on that level was so hard to detect. Seriously, even though you can't detect sarcasm through the internet easily due to the fact that there's no facial contact or sound, that was pretty f*#@ing obvious. And the fact that I got banned for a week due to that makes me facedesk, HARD. One of the prior sarcastic statements contained Hulk smash and other mental breakdown jokes. Okay, since when has Hulk smashing been ok? That could've injured lots of people, I mean jeez. Also, the end was a movie quote from the Fly. "Be afraid, be very afraid."

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I don't know if anyone else has said this, since I can't be bothered to look at all 42 pages to see if they did. However, the OP suggests that destroying the phylactery will destroy the lich, while this book clearly states that this isn't the case - once the lich has fully transformed, the phylactery is inconsequential. It also doesn't suggest any sort of immortality granted by lichdom, which can be restored by repairing the phylactery. Depending on how lore-friendly you want this mod to be, it could require some serious changes.

Edited by scissorhands
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I really think this lich mod has some things going for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142535664


I love the model this mod uses for the lich! But, unfortunately this mod utilizes the Dragon Priest animation for the lich, which means you have no jump ability, which makes it a bit impractical. I would change it to the Vampire Lord animation allowing you to have both a ground form and a levitation form.

Edited by MadSolar
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I really think this lich mod has some things going for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142535664


I love the modle this mod uses for the lich! But, unfortunately this mod utilizes the Dragon Priest animation for the lich, which means you have no jump ability, which makes it a bit impractical. I would change it to the Vampire Lord animation allowing you to have both a ground form and a levitation form.

Get these two working together pronto! But seriously this guy has an awesome lich model but no quest or abilities while our guy has quest ideas and is working on stat modifiers and abilities but has no good models. This needs to happen!

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I really think this lich mod has some things going for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142535664


I love the modle this mod uses for the lich! But, unfortunately this mod utilizes the Dragon Priest animation for the lich, which means you have no jump ability, which makes it a bit impractical. I would change it to the Vampire Lord animation allowing you to have both a ground form and a levitation form.

Do you know if this mod is on the Nexus?

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I really think this lich mod has some things going for it: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142535664


I love the modle this mod uses for the lich! But, unfortunately this mod utilizes the Dragon Priest animation for the lich, which means you have no jump ability, which makes it a bit impractical. I would change it to the Vampire Lord animation allowing you to have both a ground form and a levitation form.

Do you know if this mod is on the Nexus?


Unfortunately this mod is not on the Nexus.

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the long absence, and lack of any update in... ugh, much longer than I want to think about right now. I can see that this thread is still immensely popular, and that there's still a lot of interest in this mod. This is awesome, and I thank you all, but it makes this announcement that much more difficult.


Here's the short version: Lichdom is not dead. I still have every intention of finishing it and releasing my vision of what a lich should be to all of you lovely folks.


It is, however, comatose. I simply lack the time right now to work on this mod, or to even play Skyrim at all. Real life has gotten in the way so much more than I could have ever anticipated, as well as new games have come across my desktop that are robbing so much of my attention right now. And while it pains me to have to say this -- hence why I've put this off for frankly way too long -- I have to shelve this project for now.


All is not lost, however! I had always intended to make Lichdom a fully open source project, to welcome collaboration and even forking of the project for those whose ideas are different from my own. All this announcement really means is that I'm officially releasing the Lichdom source sooner than anticipated.


Anyone who wants to pick up the development is welcome to do so, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. Properly credit my work. I've put a lot of effort into this mod, and I didn't do it so someone else could come along and steal it. So play nice.
  2. Properly credit my testers. They've put a lot of effort into this mod as well, and they deserve just as much acknowledgement in the final product as I do, if not more. They are, in no particular order: jonmsawyer, Shadowjin, oblivionhot, PieLighter, dudeinmask, CorperationPop
  3. Do not call your mod "Lichdom". What you produce will invariably be different from what I will eventually -- yes, it will happen -- release. You are welcome to say in your description that your mod is based on Lichdom, or is a fork of Lichdom, or any such similar language, so long as it is clear in both description and title that it is not Lichdom. I prefer to avoid any potential confusion between my eventual release and the work of others.

Everything I've done to date is on my Github page.


Hopefully some other modder out there -- maybe even one more skilled than I -- will pick this up and deliver to y'all a mod that satisfies. Regardless of whether or not that happens, I do intend to return to this mod when I find the time and motivation to do so.


Ironically, I'm posting this announcement just as I'm beginning to see the glimmer of hope that real life may soon get out of my way again, that the time when I can return to working on this mod may finally be on the horizon. But frankly this announcement is months overdue, and as I can make no promise as to when I'll again have the time to work on this, I cannot justify not posting it.


Thank you all for your support over these last many months, and your continued faith in me even when I had disappeared and given you no reason to believe this project still lived. And I'm sorry I'm not back with better news.

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