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Do interior/exterior dimensions matter when making a house mod?


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By that, I mean does anyone care if a house is 'bigger on the inside'?

I'm making my first home mod, and the way that the interior is set up it would take up too much room in the over world and would look really ugly.

Does anyone care if a home mod uses a cute little shake for the exterior and is a mansion inside?

If it is jarring/bothersome, would coming up with a story as to why that's the case make a difference?

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If you're worried about it, (and if you have that location option) it might help if you approached the problem as a "door into a mountain" scheme, sorta like Peregrine Highwatch. Small frontage with effectively infinite interior space available, and logically so. That way you still get the kitsch of the "house" facing, and the expansion possibilities.


It all depends on the home. I think the Waterview homes (near Riften and below Bruma) are slightly larger inside than out, but it's not annoying. I am one of those people who find Breezehome stilted..Can't put my finger on it, it's both too large inside and still too cluttered. Same goes for the Solitude player home.

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I think the clutter issue with Breezehome probably centers around the fire pit. To me, it seems to take up too much floor space, leaving only two small avenues around it. Change it to one of the solitude arch fire pits, or a wall fireplace, and the place opens up considerably. Also, getting rid of the barrels and woodpiles, in favor of actual furnishings, seems to change the space a bit more.

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