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[MOD REQUEST] Companion as a Vassal [Rulership don't work]


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Hi there!
When I finally became king in Bannerlord, I immediately wanted to make my companion Lord. It turned out that this option does not exist. Some time later I found the Rullership mod. I was extremely excited. I suspected that for now the mod only gives the opportunity to turn a companion into a lord, but I was hoping that the author would develop it later. That company-lords would begin to marry, give birth to children. Create dynasties. Unfortunately, my thoughts went somewhere far, as it turned out ... too far ... because I finally installed the mod. I had what I wanted at the beginning ... a companion as a lord ... but it ended tragically for my save game ...

Over two weeks have passed since then ...

If you know April 10, the Rullership mod was created, which allows us to make a vassal companion, he becomes a lord with his own clan.
This mod, however, does not work. If you turn your companion into a Lord, it automatically corrupts save. Some manage to load the game a few more times, some have this bug after turning one companion into a Lord, and others after a few. Even if there is someone whose save game works (he has a magic luck) he has other bugs and hundreds of crashes.
The mod author did not answer a single reported bug, and 11 are reported.
Over 100-200 posts on this topic, where people themselves are looking for a solution to the problem of a perishable game save.
It seems that one person has figured out what the problem was, but of course the only way to fix it is to fumble in the game files on your own to change the files of this companion into a lord.

Of course, players can be angry at the author of Rulership, he made a mod that everyone of us can dream about, and above all everyone who played Warbanda. However, anyone can get angry because it is easy to get angry. We do not know what happened to the author of this modification, maybe he did the mod, and the rest is indifferent to him, or maybe something bad happened to him (I hope, however, that he doesn't). We don't know that.

However, I am asking modders to look into the matter and let someone bother to create such a modification.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a mod that does what you want very well and the mod creator is very active.


https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/1453 <<< LordFromFamily


This mod allows you to make a companion into a lord and grant them a fief. This will make them the leader of their own clan and ask you to provide them with a WIFE/HUSBAND. (make sure you have a second companion or family member of the opposite sex ready to go) This will make them hire their own companions, have children, create armies and take settlements. Make sure to gain high reputation with the companion PRIOR to making them a lord or they WILL defect to another faction, just as any other lord in the game would.

Edited by amorganavalon
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