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Requesting Help w/ Cicero Replacer!


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If possible, I'd like someone experienced in modding NPCs to help me finish up a replacement mod for Cicero and I'm open to providing compensation. I've never modded anything that involves overriding textures or incorporating other mods and I've had zero luck by myself despite pouring through online tutorials. So far, I have the racemenu preset which I've exported as a .ddf & .nif file. I was able take the .npc file I made and convert it into an .esp in the Creation Kit, but Cicero loads up with a clean face and no freckles or make-up. Basically, i believe I have all the components, but I haven't been able to merge everything together and complete the last step. I haven't been able to export the actor chargen data from TES5 despite trying multiple things and creating a custom texture set or race as a workaround is beyond my current skills.


All-in-all, the preset uses textures from ImprovedEyes and Freckle Mania 2. If anyone is willing to help, let me know what I need to provide as far as files or screenshots & I will do so. Thanks!

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