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[LE] I need a little reminder... (Navmesh - File details)

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I once posted a question in here, many years ago, to which i had an excellent and detailed answer. The question was "Why do my NPC in my custom town acts weird while my navmesh is made and looks fine". The answer was that i deleted parts of the navmesh, and the game still saw the deleted parts and tried to make it work with the corrected parts. To fix it, i had to open the File Details before opening a file in the CK. In that menu, i had to find all NAVM that were marked as deleted. I then had to select them and use a KEY to make them appear again in the CK. Then, i had to select in the CK the deleted navmesh parts that reappeared, move them as low as possible, then finalize and save. It worked splendid for so many years.


Sadly, i had a year or more without modding, and since then, i don't recall the KEY i had to use to make the deleted Navmesh parts appear in the CK. I thought it was DELETE, it sets an ignore flag. In the CK, it doesn't seems to do what it used to, so i suspect it was actually another key. Could someone tell me which KEY it may be? Thank you very much! I tried to find my old topic or the member who helped me the last time, without any success. :(

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Just use TesVEdit, select filter for cleaning, then do the usual cleaning; 'check for identical masters' and crucially here 'undelete and disable references'. The undelete will work on any navmesh that you should not have deleted and undelete it so it will show up in the CK.

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@agerweb If i want to use TESVEdit, i'll know how, thanks. Since i'm used to the CK for that, i'll stick to that.


@NexBeth So the key was really DELETE. Odd... but i have to admit that even back then, sometimes i had no Navmesh coming back while other parts were doing so. Maybe the last time i used it, it just happened that nothing had to come back. I'll try with this mod i'm currently working on then. I was about to need to do that part anyway. Thank you!

Edited by Gerheardt
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