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ok so it kinda started when i used waaaay too many mods for that game.

after i removed some i discoved that after entering to some locations the game just crushes(whether its random eara or a town)

the more strange part is that it keep crushing at the same area, like, for example, evry time i try to fast tlereport to windhelm - the game crushes! even if i try to go ther by foot, the game crushes if i go too near the twon...


this happen in other erea wich inturrput me go playin dawongurd...

i know that evrything is fine with my system becuse i alrdy play with the dawongurd DLC.


i've try to uninstall and reinstall sevral time and its still dosent work...

also i've try'd from a defrent save point, and i got that same results...

plzz help me!!!

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I think you mean "Crash" - From what you said it seems like a script leftover problem


Does this happen when you start a new game?


Can you post your papyrus logs of when you fast traveled to WindHelm?


yes, sorry for the poor spelling


and yes - it dose happen in a new game


and how i can post thos "papyus"?

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It is normally in: you C:/Users/Username/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Logs/Scripts and your logs should be there if not

then you have to edit your Skyrim.ini file found in the My Games/Skyrim folder and edit the logging information to 1

then go back into the game re-crash and then your logs should be in the logs/scripts folder, then you can put it here for troubleshooting.


Although if it is a new game, then I do not suppose that it is a script problem per se.


Disable all your mods, and then enable one of them, start the game, if it does not work, disable the mod, enable another one - start the game.


Keep repeating this process.

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well i dont see a section that say "loggin in"...

thers like a 3 baches(whatever you spell it...) that are just a info like system config and stuff like that...

do you have a screen shot for a fool like me? :3


ok so i'm on to somthing:

i've install the game again, this tile i've also deleted the folder in the c:/ My document

so i've start the game - and its up clear - YEY, iu've saved a copy of all the other save files that i needed,

try'd again to enter my 'ol save file, its up - and its crush.

well, thenk god i had my brothers saves files, i used hes char this time

so i go to windhelm - good, no crash.

other location that i had problem with - nothig!


so here's my conclusion - the save file is clearly broken...any way to fix it?..

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