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Easy Low Level Money/Equipment.


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Right, I had to reformat my computer and then I lost the disc to Oblivion. I just found it yesterday and have started playing on a new character. I now need someone to help me find a way to get some decent equipment OR money to buy some. I'd rather not do the arena as I want to save that for a higher level so it is more of a challenge.


Any help is appreciated <3

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If your character has good stats in stealth and security, join the thieves guild and go steal from those rich people in the imperial city. I made about 2000 gold before getting to level 2 this way. Fighter's guild jobs can pay too if you just want to kill stuff. You can also try your luck at going through some ruins/dungeons. Enemies should be pretty easy at lower levels, and you might get yourself a few things to sell. I got rich pretty quickly with every character I made, so it shouldn't take long for you to get the money you need to buy whatever equipment you want. :wink:


Oh, and there's always the cheap way, download one of the mods that'll give you a cool looking armor or weapon with awesome stats.

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What do you play? Heavy Armor? Light Armor? If its the latter, Fin Gleam is for you: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Fin_Gleam#Fin_Gleam


A Glass Helmet that can be found at level 1, lying in the Water west of anvil.


The Rest of the light Armor: join the Dark Brotherhood. Dont do any quests there, just join and get a nice shadow armor, which is pretty neat at level 1.


If you are a bow user, get "Frostwyrm bow from the "Uderfrykte Matron" http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:The_Horror_of_Dive_Rock


Kill it, pick up bow, wonderful. The Matron is not an easy Kill however, be prepared.


For Sword users: Go get umbra. She has the best sword that a low level char can have. It is possible to kill her with level 1. But not without some tactics, see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Umbra_(person) for Tips how to deal with her and how to get her to attack you. She is peaceful unless you have the attached Quest, which you wont get when your Character is low.



Umbra also has a nice set of Heavy Armor. It looks like Ebony, but has the Stats of Orcish Armor, which is still nice for someone with iron Armor.


When you are at or above level 15, Umbras Ebony will have the same stats as normal ebony. She has a fullset with a shield.



But its worth the effort even if you only want the Sword. Umbra is one of the best swords ingame. Dont do the attached daedric Quest though. The Sword will be treated as Quest item and is therefore weightless...



And now for something completly diffrent:


The Secret of Moneymaking is alchemy. Combined with thievery. Go pick the Plantlife clean. When your Skill is low, you wont get too much combinations with the ingredients. But you can always grind food stuff together to make fatigue potions which you can sell. You can even steal foodstuff, grind it up and the Potions resulting from this wont be marked as "stolen".

Go to the Tiber Septim Hotel at the talos plaza District, dont rent a bed, go upstairs and you'll see a delightful assortment of Foods to steal. Unless you have a mod which places NPCs there, there will be no one. Ever.


Pick up everything, you may sell the Silverware to a Fence, grind up the ingredients and sell the Potions. Leave the room for three ingame Days and do something else, then return. Every World Cell left unvisited for three ingame days will be reset. The food is back. But the silverware will be missing if you picked that up, convinient for easy food stealing =)




Do the Mages Guild questline. When you have access to the University, you can enchant your Armor. Dont let the Soulgems go to waste, even the petty ones can be useful. After you enchanted everything you want , use up the smaller soulgems to recharge your enchantet Weapons for free. Petty Soulgems can be used for enchantments that dont require energy. Night eye has the same effect with a petty soulgem. So does Water Breathing and Water Walking. Spare the larger gems for other enchantments, like "feather".


The Arcane University also has a nice Garden. Pick it clean, combined with another Batch of stolen Food from the tiber septim hotel, it will fetch a nice sum.

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Aye the best skill in the game is Alchemy!


and for soo many reason...


I like to have only 1 skill in the Endurance category so I can train up the other 2 to get a +5 in Endurance when I lvl up and train Alchemy 10 times so I lvl and get +5 to magic when I lvl and then put the last one into Luck.


I like to alternate alchemy and upping a strength based skill for my lvl up ie sword, blunt or hand 2 hand....easy and cheaper to do h2h at the early lvls for most charrs types.


h2h is useless because you cant poison your hands...(mod maybe?)


Your Alchemy pays for the training and if it doesnt cover all the costs steal! or go kill some dungon buggers but lvl up minor skills so you get the +5 in the right places like endurance.


now if your using a mod that changes the way you gain health this doesnt really matter that much but if your on the Xbox or lazy hope it helps =)

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Hand to Hand is somewhat useless, its like they included it so no one could say Oblivion hasnt Hand to Hand Combat.


I think this could go in the "Equipment" Category: Equip something there!


A Punch deals a Maximum of 11 Points of Damage. Thats very little.

Hand to Hand combat does add a little Bonus though, with every Punch, the Enemies Fatigue gets damaged, for more Points than his Health actually. Its like poisoning a Weapon with a fatigue damage.


But then, why would you do that. Some Enemies have a giant fatigue bar and you wont even notice their Hits being less damaging. If they are fatigued from your punches, they wont hit back so hard, true.

But if they are dead they wont hit back, period.

With Weapons, you could make onehit Kills. That is next to impossible with Hand to Hand, except with the "Anoyance" Enemies like Mudcrabs and Rats.


If you have a really hard time with an Enemy, you could poison your Weapon with a Paralyze Potion and hit this Enemy repeatedly while he's down, most likely killing him. Or at least it will give you time to deal with his Friends hacking at you.


Furthermore, Weapons can be enchanted to do magical Damage. So you'll do Weapon Damage, which is most likely more then possible with Hand to Hand Damage + magical Damage which is more than any Punch could do, + Damage from Poisons you might want to treat your Weapon with. Which is more than any Punch could deal.


Go figure.


I do like to train Hand to Hand a little because i roleplay my Characters and imagine he wont be defensless if someone attacks him while sleeping.


If you like to make a Hand to Hand Char anyways just for the Challenge of it, go steal the "Bands of Kwang Lao" from "Salith's Chest" in the Arena District. They could be quite hard to steal though...

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