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Skyrim crashes after I changed the resolution


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Ok, so I just got a new monitor for my computer. I went into Skyrim and noticed that the screen wasn't displaying correctly and remembered that I still had to change the screen resolution that the game loaded as to match the resolution that I use on the monitor. Immediately after changing the resolution to the proper one, Skyrim started having a major ctd problem on startup. By startup, just as extra info, I mean that the Bethesda logo would display properly then on the main menu the game would immediately crash. I have tried all of the things that I could think of or have seen on the internet, including trying to put the screen resolution back to what it was before. Does anyone have any suggestions, because I enjoy playing Skyrim and can now officially not play it until this problem is fixed.
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Hey fms1, I figured out what the problem was. Apparently when I went into the Skyrim launcher to change the screen resolution it activated certain mods that were missing required files that I had previously deactivated. Thanks for at least trying to help me out with this problem.
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  • 3 years later...

I am having this problem now. is it a conflict with mods causing the CTD or is there something else going on? I can start a new game with no problems with my new monitor at 1920x1080 but when I try to load a saved game from earlier today when I had a 1650x1050 monitor connected I get a crash to desktop as soon as I try to load the game.

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