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Breezehome Crash! Please Help


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Hello! I need help D: Everytime I go into Breezehome my Skyrim crashes, I've heard that Hearthfire (Which I do have) has some crashing issues with breezhome, So I downloaded the unofficial Hearthfire patch by Kivan and Arthmoor but it didn't work! D:


I have about 55 mods installed (+ Dawnguard & Hearthfire), and only about 3 which actually change Breezehome and I uninstalled them, but still the crash continues... I was just wondering if there are any mods that are known to have issues with Breezehome?


Here's a list of my installed mods




So does anyone know whats going on?

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That would be Dovahkiin's Hideout. It's incompatible with Hearthfire at the moment, unfortunately. :( Pull that and see if that resolves it.


Well you're half right, The Dovahkiin's Hidout makes Breezehome crash, but only the original Dovahkiin's Hideout. The Dovahkiin's Hideout compact edition (The one I have) has that bug fixed. And just to be sure I did test it out. but It still crashes even without the Dovahkiin's Hideout so that's not it :(

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It's probably "The Secret room of Breezehome". Also I noticed your "Unofficial patches need to be loaded directly after your last ".esm" They are totally in the wrong spot and that will cause some issues.


Also here are my Breezehome mods you can try..... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26590 ..... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23317 ..... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23415 . Don't forget to read the descriptions.

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