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Isolated House Oblivion Gate


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I love the Isolated House in the wilderness near Skingrad but that damn Oblivion gate always spawns in the middle of it and destroys it.


I want to remove the gate but I've seen Nexus users claim that doing this can make your game unstable and/or break it. Apparently it has something to do with advancing the main quest and closing more gates. Can anyone here confirm this?


Also, would deleting the gate and the objects that spawn along with it be enough to completely remove it from the game?

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If it is done wrong then it can cause issues, that much is probably true. It is in most cases considered a bad idea to delete references from the vanilla game, but in this case it might just be exactly what you need.


But before that, if it works, then this could be the easiest solution: You could try checking the "Initially Disabled" flag on the reference of the Oblivion gate, as the script that determines if it opens during the course of the main quest is run onLoad of the Oblivion gate (see the gate's attached script "OblivionGateRandomScript"), but if the gate is disabled and because of that never loaded, it should never get the chance to open.

Edited by mixxa77
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Disabling the gate did not work, it still spawned and destroyed the house. I'll just have to try and delete it.


Edit: Through further testing I discovered something odd. I deleted all the ruined house clutter spawned by the gate and moved the gate away from the house into the forest. Then I removed the parent references on the house and the door. Now the gate doesn't spawn at all and the house remains intact. Weirdly enough the sound of burning fire is coming from the house even though there's no fire anywhere around it.

Edited by IcelandicPsychotic
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You could try this mod


This mod sets the Isolated House as player owned so that you can use it as a home. Containers are non respawning so they are safe for storage. I also deleted the Bandits spawns.I moved the Oblivion Gate it's not a threat any more. Yet, any character that has already done the MQ will be able to use the house.
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