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This is my first mod, I'm trying to remake some of the factions in game. I've already eddited all the Sturgian units but I wanted to add new ones, as alternate upgrades for the warrior sons.


Can someone give me a few hints as to do that?

I believe the first thing would be to make a double of an already existing unit and then change the details like name, equipment sets, upgrades and so on. But what about the ID string?


*name="{=auxU5OGA}Sturgian Warrior Son"*


The "{=auxU5OGA}" to be precise. What would this ID look like in a new unit? Do I simply make one up, as long as it doesn't interfere with an already existing one? Or does it require a more elaborate approach than that?

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Hi !

"name" is not an ID, {=auxU5OGA} part doesn't matter (it seems that you can even delete it)

here is an exemple of my own troops

<NPCCharacter id="adventurer_noble_t2" default_group="Infantry" level="11" civilianTemplate="NPCCharacter.aserai_troop_civilian_template_t2" name="{=GUQ3zfg2}Adventurer Aserai Errant" is_basic_troop="true" occupation="Soldier" culture="Culture.adventurer">
      <face_key_template value="NPCCharacter.villager_aserai"/>


here my ID is adventurer_noble_t2 and the name (in game) is Adventurer Aserai Errant. You can have the same name on different unit if you like but never the same ID


be aware that you CAN'T upgrade one unit in more than two unit

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