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Infiltrate Thieves Guild to use them as spies?


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i find it interesting that when we first confront the Assassins Guild, we have the optional quest to kill them all from the get go...


yet when we join the thieves guild, we are forced to do their bidding... ie, we can't lie about obtaining the debts from the three. we are forced to be evil and manipulative and steal for the good of the guild. i was hoping to be able to cooperate with the townsfolk of Riften to make the thieves guild think they were coming back into power, so i could get close to Mavon Blackbriar, and then turn the tables and use her as my personal spy or cast her out completely, eventually turning the thieves guild into my personal spy organization and possibly sabotage the civil war, maybe even using the "former" thieves guild to rally the people of skyrim to become a third secret "army" that eventually defeats both the imperials and Stormcloaks through subterfuge.


i haven't gotten too far into the thieves guild quests yet, but optionals i was thinking of for the first few quests would be something like:


after framing the one shopkeeper and getting him arrested, i could ask one of the next three (that i'm supposed to collect protection money from) to visit that shopkeeper in jail and ask for his trust, while at the same time getting the three to cooperate willingly with me in a plot to remove the thieves guild from mavon blackbriar's influence. (of course, later on, once actually getting close to the Mavon, the option for betraying them would be given.) later on, that jailed shopkeeper would provide some valuable information to the dovakhin


other town members could be coerced into cooperating based on their ties to the skooma operation, with the prospect of being free from mavon blackbriar, or removing the skooma operation completely from Riften. (even though that operation is a perfect cover for a spy network)


EDIT: apparently, there is a book in the bannered mare (behind the bar under the counter) called "fall from grace" or such, about the thieves guild, and a couple theories as to why they fell from grace. the author says he/she infiltrated the thieves guild in search of the truth as to why they fell, and feels guilty about stealing and such, but really wants to learn the truth. this could be a perfect tie in, or even quest starter for this alternate thieves guild storyline...


i'm realizing that this idea is actually very large in scope, and fully realized would offer a different outcome to the civil war and thieves guild quest lines. maybe Bethesda should consider something like this for an official DLC.

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