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Lakeview Manor Lights


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If I were using the vanilla lighting it wouldn't be an issue, but because of having realistic lighting mods it's sort of a pain to go through and look through my house. I want to be able to put up armors on all my mannequins and have it look nice, not make it so I have to squint to be able to make out and remember what armor goes where. There are loads of lights that get added to Lakeview Manor but so few actually give off light which annoys me even more than the plain fact of it being dark, so perhaps just convert those into actual lights. I can't be the only person with this issue, I've switched from lighting mod to lighting mod and ENB to ENB and most make indoors a lot darker than this one does, yet I find no mod or anyone even asking about this anywhere.


Picture of Lakeview Manor in my game:





Now, of course you can see it still, but just like the Hearthfire mod itself and my realistic lighting mod, I'd seriously appreciate having this mod for a more immersive and convenient experience in Skyrim.


A couple of side notes:

  • Perhaps I overlooked a mod or overlooked a resolve to this issue, if so, please tell me.
  • I obviously have no modding experience, so if you can't just make things have lightsources or whatever, sorry.



Edited by Arcaidus
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Hi, which version of ENB are you using?

The latest V121212 has settings for interiors as well as day and night.

You can edit your enbseries.ini file to make the interiors brighter if you wish.


I would like to not have to do that because every other interior is perfect, it's partially why I like this ENB preset and everything, otherwise I'd probably do that.

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Fair enough.

The problem I see with editing light sources within Lakeview manor itself, is that there are a lot of different options when you build the house. Different room configurations, furniture etc. It is not like a standard vanilla home. Having said that I'm sure it can be done! I will be away for a couple of days from tomorrow, but when I get back I will have a look at doing something for you if you want?

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Fair enough.

The problem I see with editing light sources within Lakeview manor itself, is that there are a lot of different options when you build the house. Different room configurations, furniture etc. It is not like a standard vanilla home. Having said that I'm sure it can be done! I will be away for a couple of days from tomorrow, but when I get back I will have a look at doing something for you if you want?


Dude, that'd be really helpful if you did and I'd be pretty thankful. I didn't expect people on this forum to be so nice, haha.

Gives me plenty of time to finish collecting armors (This is a new character, didn't get Skyrim PC 'till too long ago, always had Xbox) and finish decorating, too.

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No worries! :)

Have a nice Christmas and I'll post something in a couple of days.

Meanwhile if you can let me know how you have Lakeview set out? ie alchemy lab, library or whatever that would be helpful.


It's the main hall and all, plus the bedrooms, armory, and trophy room.


I'm debating changing the bedroom wing, though.

Edited by Arcaidus
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To be honest I've never looked at the Hearthfire interiors in the Creation kit.

It may just be a matter of tweaking the lighting in each available interior then if and when you add it to your set-up it will be ready to go?

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To be honest I've never looked at the Hearthfire interiors in the Creation kit.

It may just be a matter of tweaking the lighting in each available interior then if and when you add it to your set-up it will be ready to go?


I'm running on fumes and 2 hours of sleep, I'm afraid I don't understand the question, haha.

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Lol - I know the feeling! I should be getting to sleep now, its 1:30am here and I only got about 4 hours sleep last night!

Don't worry about the previous comment, I will figure it out and let you know! Actually I am just firing up the creation kit now! - who needs sleep?!

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