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How does one create a face preset mod after an actress? I'm so sorry for probably a noob question

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Hello everyone and sorry if this is something already covered but I'm a noob to this and have never created a mod in my life.... So.... What I'm wondering is how does someone create a face preset mod using an actress? Do you use a picture and some sort of program to do it??? Again, sorry if this has been covered already...

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I have never made a face preset mod, but I have also make 2 npcs with 2 existing persons in mind.


In both cases I had basically always tab between a picture on my desktop of them and looks menu in the game. After I was "ok" with what I had done ingame, I had use a programm called "face ripper" to put the face from my savegame on an already existing npc.


Hope this could at least help you a bit.

Edited by taryl80
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I just used blender to create new mesh and pluged that into the game , but i guess thats not what you want



I have never made a face preset mod, but I have also make 2 npcs with 2 existing persons in mind.


In both cases I had basically always tab between a picture on my desktop of them and looks menu in the game. After I was "ok" with what I had done ingame, I had use a programm called "face ripper" to put the face from my savegame on an already existing npc.


Hope this could at least help you a bit.


I have face menu and around 5 mods I believe that I use to perfect the face I use in game but I was more curious if it's possible to (with persons permission of course) to take a picture of someone and somehow use it in game, like, a software that would take that picture and map it to use in game, idk if that makes sense, again sorry if I'm a total noob to this.

Edited by joshwataaaaaaaa
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It does , called unwrapping. That is essentially what i did, used my face :tongue: So you basically change texture of a mesh(in materials for fallout) , and they would look smth like this https://www.google.com/search?q=unwrapped+face&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUA854UA855&sxsrf=ALeKk00GmZ1U5wcpuIIKctkvJU5-lGD5Hg:1588532891345&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj4g8-VspjpAhUPAxAIHXeUA4cQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=2048&bih=960

Edited by carl38513
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