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Your thoughts on all these follower mods?


Follower mods  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. How do feel about follower mods?

    • Can't get enough of them
    • I don't mind them
    • Only if they're special (i.e there's a quest involved before they'll follow you)
    • Mostly dislike them
    • I hate them
    • I hate them with a passion

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It's up to the people who use followers to add to their game, or play style. While I agree with the "hot chick" followers being a little over the top especially when theirs nothing unique about them other than a new skin. Don't feel a need to bash them. Not your style? don't download them, problem solved.
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It's up to the people who use followers to add to their game, or play style. While I agree with the "hot chick" followers being a little over the top especially when theirs nothing unique about them other than a new skin. Don't feel a need to bash them. Not your style? don't download them, problem solved.





i have atvir dres installed, although l'm not using him *at the moment* and honestly his personality - especailly the snarkyness - makes everything worth while. (just waiting on him to be updated to be a bit weaker, that's why l'm not using him atm.)

not every follower is going to suit the character a person's playing - l think some of the frustration people experience has got to be from choosing a follower that doesn't fit their play style.


dont' get me wrong - there have been definite times where i've been so annoyed with lydia or jenessa that l wonder why i'm playing with them. on the other hand, those times are rare enough - not as rare as l'd like,b ut not overwhelming - that l can ignore them. using amazing follower tweaks takes care of the major issues l do have with followers. and honestly, as a mage with the typical narrow passages bethesda did for the normal dungeons n caves? l couldn't survive on master, not without a great deal more frustration.

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As much as i love followers, just because i want them to guard my house on hjalmarch(spelled wrong?) to protect my treasures(some may be from console,, neways i have finished the main quest at lvl 25.. so what the heck?).. i still hate them as much when i try to let them follow me.. why? because i tend to be sneaky when approaching enemy territory.. and what the hell do they do?? they scream and charge... just like my effin horse shadowmere.. it annoys me.


so my point is... is there any mod that adds life to player houses on skyrim?(not modded, those which are originally in-game).

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I've always preferred companions with a back story, reactions to events and people, and (hopefully) a quest or two. Vilja, Constance, Ruined Tail, Sapphire: these and others are so much more than the usual go-fetch-kill companions. I won't run the latter, but I tend to collect the former.
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I'm alright with custom followers, except when they exist for the sole purpose of conjuring boners.


Oh, and, poor vocal quality (specifically, people doing voices with a $5 USB mic next to a busy road).


I'm actually in the market for a deeply interesting and talkative follower with great acting, as apposed to the generic four line bulls*** I have right now. "WUTUP", "I'M SWORN TO CARRY YOUR TURDS", "s***, LEMME TAKE A SNAP OF THIS PLACE WITH MY IPHONE", "IS SOMEONE THERE OR DID THAT ARROW GO RIGHT BY MY FACE FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON?". Substance is lacking in the default followers. The closest I've gotten to seeing this want fulfilled is Hoth, but I feel there's no structural backbone to hirelings.

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Now the weirdest thing about the Follower Mods, there are NO Vanilla Followers for you to take, its All New Followers


Actually, my ESF: Aela mod tries to make a vanilla follower more interesting--giving Aela the Huntress more dialogue and story, giving her combat options where for example you can set her to only use ranged weapons and only attack after you or she has been hit, which means she won't go charging in when you're sniping in sneak mode from afar.

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  • 1 month later...
Stand-alone follower mods aren't my thing, though I do add "potential" followers to my town/home mods so the choice is there. I am of the opinion that people making the effort to create any kind of mod is a good thing -- especially when it's their first mod -- even if it's just another boring "sexy girl" with big boobs and 80's fashion model hair. I like that people are trying, and there is also chance that posting that follower mod will give the person confidence or motivation to attempt something more challenging after that. It's a big maybe, but I'm cool with letting them do their thing. I just ignore what doesn't appeal to me. Edited by Ahondara
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Typically I don't use Followers at all (not humanoid anyway)....I play a Stealth Archer/Alchemist with a penchant for mountain goating (preferring difficult terrain) his way through Skyrim and specializing in ambush attacks and dirty tactics (leading mooks through Giant Camps, etc...)....and no vanilla Follower plays nice with that build....yes, I have tried them all.


He does have a ring with which he can summon a Snowy Sabre Cat as his battle buddy if things get tough....that Cat has to be the best battle companion on Nexus by my reckoning.... :biggrin: ....I have recently installed Vilja though and am loving her, I would also like to check out Atvir Dres when he is upgraded again and have the BFF Animal Mod (Fox or Dog companion...very customizable to fit needs and game play) and love the Fox.


As for the eye candy followers with nothing special about them...I'm female, thus completely immune and have zero interest.

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  • 7 months later...

I hate them with a passion... Stupid nerds all fapping to their hot followers is what it looks like to me because i can't think of any other reason why you would want to have that in your game. Alright the edits to the face and body are ok since we know vanilla isn't too keen on realistic people but jeez don't over do it. Don't even get me started on the outfits they are usually wearing... I hate it when i see mods like that hit the front page because all that work could have gone into for example a new cool enemy with awesome armor and weapons, but nooooo. We need to have hot chicks in Skyrim because we can't get any in the real world!

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I'm not a fan of followers myself, so follower mods are of little value to me personally for the most part. And yeah, when I see almost entirely unremarkable follower mods in the hot files I wonder what gems might go unnoticed because they're not as "Hot" as a generic pretty girl follower. They frustrate me.


But then there's one that really shines. I'm not talking about a particularly pretty standalone female follower. I'm talking stuff like Inigo, which have not only a great deal of time and effort but also thought and dedication put into them. They not only work functionally, but they feel like they were part of the game to begin with. And they almost make up for the others.

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