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Your thoughts on all these follower mods?


Follower mods  

94 members have voted

  1. 1. How do feel about follower mods?

    • Can't get enough of them
    • I don't mind them
    • Only if they're special (i.e there's a quest involved before they'll follow you)
    • Mostly dislike them
    • I hate them
    • I hate them with a passion

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My problem isn't so much with follower mods, it's that followers aren't very smart to begin with. Trying to play a 2 hander and having a follower is like :wallbash:


I have no problem with my side of the follower equation, i.e. if I see my follower is in trouble I'll run over to help. If he's not, I'm targeting a completely different enemy. It's when your Elf follower charges headlong into your sweeping Wuuthrad strike than you just give up. You'd think he'd give you a wide berth swinging that blade.

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Im not fond of Followers, since in Vanilla, they Bug out and keeps following you around even though you Dismissed them long ago.


Now the weirdest thing about the Follower Mods, there are NO Vanilla Followers for you to take, its All New Followers Plus Vanilla Followers when All i want are 20 Vanilla Followers. (Depends on how many Followers there are in the Game)

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Im not fond of Followers, since in Vanilla, they Bug out and keeps following you around even though you Dismissed them long ago.


Now the weirdest thing about the Follower Mods, there are NO Vanilla Followers for you to take, its All New Followers Plus Vanilla Followers when All i want are 20 Vanilla Followers. (Depends on how many Followers there are in the Game)


Specialized Followers did some tweaks to the vanilla followers and didn't add any new ones, though there are some of those that kinds ruin using certain followers (i.e. the Aela ability that makes every animal become a teddy bear). Best attempt that I saw at making the vanilla followers less vanilla, but the same problem with them being dumb makes using them as an integral part of play almost impossible.


Best follower I've used with a 2 hander is Marcurio, who pretyy much just spams spells from distance. Problem with that though is I'll charge an enemy and he'll switch to targeting that enemy and get 2-3 lightning strikes in on the enemy I'm charging and kill it before I get my swing in.


Only time I use followers anymore is to bum rush and slaughter, pretty much gave up on using them as a primary style of play.

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I use Vilja and Atvir, the other mods I use for companions is CM and interesting NPCs but those NPCs tend to get left behind in my players house for adding a bit of life to the place...

or if I need cannon fodder...>:D

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l see this complaint about follower stupidity, and can't help but wonder - when you're picking a follower, are you picking one that compliments your play style?


ie lydia's great if you can shift your char to the side as a mage/ranged player. i like jenassa if i'm going to be in tight quarters a lot, she stays behind me more frequently with her bow and arrows.


yeah, the ai definitely needs a lot of work, but l always play with one. if i pick the right follower for the character l'm building, it works out quite nicely, and even compliments my weaknesses.

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I dislike using followers most of the time anyway since I like to play a sneaky character...but if there's a quest involved I'll do the quest to help them and then not use them as a follower. Although in the early game having a meatshield does come in handy sometimes.
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Followers are great for carrying stuff. All I need from followers is the ability to follow the commands 'wait here' and 'carry this'.


That said...I still like to have as many people in my little world as possible, so good followers are always welcome.

Edited by Tundrastrider
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I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of any followers even the stock followers. Most of them just get in the way and die. It's like they time it just right to run in front of my ranged attacks and then complain with their last breath that they are on my side. If they were on my side then they'd be BEHIND me :P


I think the reason tho that there are so many followers is that with mods like UFO you can have a lot of followers if you wish. In a situation like that I can understand wanting to have a little extra variety in appearance at least.


I agree with Ishara Followers in General are more trouble then they are worth because they have really and I stress this REALLY shitty Combat AI I prefer ranged characters and Followers 9 times out of 10 will make me either miss my target or get in the way and get hit which results in them bitching at me for their mistake or them taking the long dirt nap.

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l see this complaint about follower stupidity, and can't help but wonder - when you're picking a follower, are you picking one that compliments your play style?


ie lydia's great if you can shift your char to the side as a mage/ranged player. i like jenassa if i'm going to be in tight quarters a lot, she stays behind me more frequently with her bow and arrows.


yeah, the ai definitely needs a lot of work, but l always play with one. if i pick the right follower for the character l'm building, it works out quite nicely, and even compliments my weaknesses.


There is no follower in the game that can compliment my playstyle.


If I fire a bow to try and confuse an enemy the follower will do a headlong charge as soon as I fire that arrow - completely defeating the point of my tactic. If I had a nickel for everytime Jenassa ran headfirst into a boss hammer-jack in Halted Stream Camp I'd be rich.


If I charge to the top of a platform to channel the enemy at the top of the stairs, instead of the follower using their bow to snipe the mass of enemies (i.e. Jenassa/Aela) they try to go around me and use melee. :wallbash:


Unless it's a full bore wide open area massacre (i.e. Battle for Whiterun) I don't even bother bringing followers. They will most likely run into my path of fire if I'm a ranged attacker, or run right into the path of my blade (even if they have ranged attacks like Jenassa/Aela).

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