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I check "Load Loose Files" but nothing happens.


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I'm trying to install some mods and the DLC for the game, but when I go into data files and check the Load Loose Files box, it doesn't work. if I open the data files window again, it's unchecked, but if I proceed into the game, no changes have taken effect.


Anyone know why this is and how to fix it?

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That button does absolutely nothing. In all seriousness, the Fallout Launcher is the absolute worst option you have for managing your plugins.


You'll want to get either FOMM or NXMM to manage your mods and load order.


If you're new to modding these games, NXMM is probably the easier one to use since you can download mods directly to its package manager from links on the mod pages here on the Nexus.

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