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Gamebreaking Killmove Bug


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Hey, so. I'm here to tell you some ridiculous stupid story of me deleting like 10 mods trying to figure out why for some reason, Killmoves are broken as all hell on my Skyrim LE.



First off, I'll premise this by saying I use CBBE-HDT with XPMSE-HDT and BodySlide, as well as Better Males. I also use FNIS. I have all DLCs and USLEEP.


When I use a killmove on an enemy Draugr, Hagraven, Falmer or even Giant, it'll use a first person animation for a human-only killmove. The enemy will become invincible momentarily, continue fighting and then die shortly afterwards. You can imagine how when I'm playing on legendary difficulty this is a little frustrating.


This issue has occurred through reinstalling the entire game, manually removing each mod and making a new save each time to check, etc etc. The only thing I can possibly think of is that somehow XPMSE is installed incorrectly, or one of my FNIS idles is installed incorrectly. But this can't be the case, because the MCM menu for XPMSE displays everything as working fine and neither LOOT nor WryeBash nor xEdit nor MO2 or Vortex display -any- issues with it, and the same goes for my FNIS animations.


I first thought it was related to Realistic Ragdolls and Force, because I had that mod selected for skeletons over XPMSE. But that isn't it, because around 35 minutes after removing that mod entirely I got another killmove bug.

Then I thought it was the Mihail Zombies mod. Removed it, still happened.

I then uninstalled FNIS Creatures. Still bugged.

And after that I uninstalled Deadly Mutilation and the CBBE Mesh pack for it.


I also tried deleting Ultimate Combat and Wildcat. Still broken. Better Vampires wasn't the cause either.


Unless this bug is caused by a Draugr Retexture mod I have installed which would honestly be absolutely ridiculous, I don't think I can come up with a single solution for it. I've seen no articles online about it at all, so I pose the question; what the bloody f*#@?


I'll attach my load order. I'm aware there's some LOOT errors regarding Realistic Water but that causes no real issues in the game and isn't relevant to this. Please have mercy on my soul.

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