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Functional difference between component and misc object.

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I'm still learning and wondering why the unoffiical fallout patch mod made this particular change in [0022BA20] workshop_co_ScrapOxygenTank. They switched the component from c_Steel "Steel" [CMPO:0001FABD] to c_Steel_scrap "Steel" [MISC:000731A4] and what the functional implication of this change is. They did this throughout the scrap lists it isn't isolated to this one entry.

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MISC junk items, like DeskFanOffice01, are made up of CMPO c_Component counts in component data.


CMPO c_Components are purely calculation proxies to work out how many components are given/needed/used in scrapping and crafting. Recorded in ConstructibleObject_co recipe required item list and MISC item form component data.


c_Components_Scrap are the MISC items (little square boxes) that a player hold in inventory which have a CMPO count value.


When a player scraps a MISC junk item they are given the CMPO c_Component count of the c_Components_Scrap MISC items.


But, when a player scraps a static item like trees or oxygen tanks they/workshop via the Constructible_co scrap forms are given the direct c_Components_Scrap MISC items on that form as it doesnt use the CMPO calculation proxy.


Confused ? You will be ...

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So because there is no MISC oxygen tank that can be picked up and added to the pip boy under the JUNK tab the scrap list for the oxygen tank uses MISC steel instead of CMPO steel. Do you not receive steel if it ls left as CMPO? Why even have CMPO and not just use the MISC version of the item at all times?

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That is sort of correct, bit not quite.


MISC junk item form with c_Component CMPO count that delivers c_Components_Scrap MISC scrap items when broken down.


Constructable item SCRAP recipe that delivers c_Components_Scrap MISC scrap items when scrapped.


Holdon, I have just written what I wrote before.


Your probably going to have to look at the forms in Creation Kit to get this.

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Have you tried asking on the mod's comment section? They might answer why they did.


I took a peek in xedit and I saw that most "scrap" COBJ have MISC objects referenced.


Maybe CMPO forms are used for the scrapper perk, to compute how much scrap the player is given when scrapping weapons... And you'll probably get more than what was intended when scrapping objects that reference CMPO forms, so a bug, and thus they fixed it. I dunno lol, just a guess.

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CMPO is used in build recipes and MISC is used in scrap recipes. If the scrap recipe has the CMPO instead of the misc, you will get the yield and be able to use in in crafting*, but it won't show up in your inventory as you having that material.


So as an example, if you scrap something using a scrap recipe that gives 1 nuclear material CMPO instead of 1 MISC, the count of nuclear material you have will stay the same, but you will have one hidden unit.


Also, and of particular note for scrap recipes: if the scrap recipe has a MISC item rather than a CMPO, you get exactly as much material as is listed in the COBJ. If it is listed as a CMPO item, the yield is affected by the scrap multiplier (for rare items it is .25 or something like that) so you get less.



*I am almost certain this is the case, but not 100% it is usable in crafting

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