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XP Freeze


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I had no idea the mods that increase your cap were so unstable at the moment. I have seen a few that allow 30, 40 and even 100. How was your experience with them as i am getting close to that level and worry about maxing, but will not download mods until i finish the first game. Let me know, maybe someone will have information on a new mod or a fix in the meantime?
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Well there's the issue with having evil karma crash, the things 3dog say are as if you were level 1, and the reaching all 100 in your skills problem. I'd just like to keep my options open until a full proof fix is found. Some have said you need to use there mod's when you 19 or it causes even more trouble if your 20. Unless im mistaken.


I've been wondering though if there is a console command that would let me change my level to 19 when i hit 20 so i could just keep re hitting 20.

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Here is is


player.setlevel <number> - Set player level.


So can i just player.setlevel 19 when i hit level 20 and just keep re hitting 20 over and over, gaining perks and skill points each time? Will that work?

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Jesus Christ in burning baby hell! Thats brilliant! I dont know, to be honest, but that would be great if it worked? I hope that when they drop the new content, Bethesda figures it out , ya know? If not, im thinking some modder will figure it out with GECK. I might try this, but if you try it, let me know PLEASE!
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Ahh and and easy fix for the skill points problem.


modpcs <skill name> <number>


I'm gonna just set this since i don't use it.


Modpcs Unarmed 0


Now i won't get the problem with all the skills being at 100. It looks like these two small commands would solve all the issues of a level cap. At least to my satisfaction.

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