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NifSkope / CK - Removing Candle Glow from Meshes


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I've been working on making some new versions of each of the Nordic Catacombs kit models where the candles are not glowing.


When I opened one of these kit pieces "NorCatHallSm1way01.nif" in NifSkope, I noticed three NiBillboard nodes, and each had a BSEffectShaderProperty sub-node with Emissive color #806d437f, which I thought represented the color of the candlelight glow.


Here is what it looks like inside NifSkope: http://i.imgur.com/qhOeD.jpg


I first tried adjusting the emissive colors to black (#000000ff) for the BSEffectShaderProperty sub-node. Tested this by launching Creation Kit without any active plugin file, creating a duplicate NorCatHallSm1way01 base object and changing the model to the new custom .nif. The result was that the candles were still glowing and the model looked the same as the vanilla version.


I tried a second time, by completely removing the three BSEffectShaderProperty sub-nodes. I tested this the same way and got the same result (looked identical to vanilla version).


Am I doing something wrong in NifSkope, or am I missing a step when attempting to test in the Creation Kit? For example, do I need to save my plugin or exit and restart Creation Kit before the new models appear?

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