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Modified Khan Trick


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Lets face it the Khan Trick sucks.


But it doesn't have to!!!


Really I just need to speed up the animation and if possible increase the effective "range" of the attack. Ive looked for a .ini file to tweak but found nada.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


(made this in mod requests also)


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It's not so simple as an INI file tweak. And the "animation speed" and "effective range" are two separate issues. But as for "pointers" ...


You would have to edit the animation file itself to speed it up. Please see the 'Animation' section of the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article to get an idea of what is involved.


Changing the "range" of the attack would require changing the "range" for all melee weapons, not just "hand-to-hand". Someone else attempted to "fix" this in the mod "Melee Reach Fixed". 761 endorsements out of 12,988 downloads (0.058%) suggests the majority of players were not impressed significantly with the results, even though the comments all seem to indicate it is technically fine and functioning as intended.


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