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better finisher for magic


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we already have mods like "Deadly Spell Impacts" and while the usual impacts already nice too.

in the beginning you see the big dragon buring down a whole village.

there i also saw a burned body lying in a burned down house.

and i thought "yes... thats how they should look like after my fire magic!"



right now i just see them "ohhh noo its fire and i..lay me down to sleep"

its not a realy awesome feeling.


what could be done to change that?

a had some ideas:

1. adding some animations to the dying foes

-falling on knees looking at burning hands vefor dieing

-droping down and roll while on fire

-for lightning shaking and falling down


2. transforming them into different stuff

-transform them into a draugr race with a texture which makes them look like burned down

-transform into a skeleton wth a burned bones texture.

funny on skeletons: they can explode into many pieces and could make a fireball, or lightning strike look more amazing

-burn them down to ash! (should be possible since i saw some vampire mods doing this for dying vampires!)


i think it should be funny to see the myghty power of your magic on your killed foes.

like we already have many improved killmove mods for melee weapons + improved hd blood textures

or mods for more arrows staying inside an enemy


so i would like to see a burned down bandit if i burn one to death

insead a lying bandit who looks like he would sleep

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