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How fo fix bookshelf still working in old position bug with savegame?


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This is really REALLY BUGGING ME because it means that I just can't move a bookshelf from a default position because it will still be in that position or rather the function of that bookshelf with a save game. The shelf itself is in the new position but when you try to use it there is no function if the bookshelf was moved across the room but move it only slightly and books fall off the shelf. I have tried reset interior commands and pcb commands they don't fix this problem.


I have modded two player houses now and working on a third, I NEED to move a bookshelf because the wall behind it has changed and now clips through the bookshelf and I don't want to change the wall because using another type of wall will clip through the next room so I have to move that bookshelf but I know that it will be a problem for save game users that already bought the house in their game. Maybe there is a command to purge some buffer for activators? Because that is technically what won't move in a save game is activators oh and containers like bookshelf containers. Anyone figured this out yet?

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