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Unable to Become Thane of Falkreath


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HI everyone. Just for the heck of it I decided to become Thane of as many holds as I can, but today I can't seem to get all of the quests to "count" towards my becoming Thane. For example, I went with the guy to Moss Mother Cavern and killed the bears, did the quest with the werewolf guy who killed Matthies' little girl (Hircine), and I've dropped a lot of armor in front of people for them to pick up because it mentions that in the Skyrim Wiki as one way to "help" the Falkreath people. Well, so far it says that I have only helped 1 out of 3 and I'm not sure why, unless it's because I was a Stormcloak this time. I noticed too that there was no opportunity to steal Lod's' letter for the old Jarl, nor an option to kill his vampire relative, so I feel like something must be messed up somewhere.


Just wondering if anyone else had this happen and if you were eventually able to become Thane?


PS I don't have Dawnguard or Hearthfire installed right now.


Thanks for your help!

Tracy :)

Edited by autumnsky38
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I too have troubles with falkreath, if you have read my falkreath thread you would know by now.. but enough of that matter..


We have identical problem, it seems the quest journal is saying i only helped 2 out of 3.. but as i remembered i helped falkreath more than 3 times.. but i guess some are not just counte

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