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New Game Crash (tried getting help elsewhere)


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EDIT: I use the disk version, not the steam one.


Okay, so for Christmas I got the Windows Live Game of the Year Edition of Fallout 3. I installed it and the DLC disk with no trouble, but when I tried to start a new game, the window minimized and an error popped up saying that it wasn't working, basically. I figured my graphics card wasn't up to date, or just sucked (it's an Intel), so I downloaded this bypass for it: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17209 , but that still didn't work. I downloaded the latest patch, but that didn't help either. At this point I'm about to cry out of frustration (I'm a drama queen when it comes to anything more advanced than a mechanical pencil not working) and I've tried reading other postings with the same basic topic. I've looked on at least three different sites for help, I've re-installed the game multiple times, and no I am not using Steam for it. Steam sucks. I'm really hoping that somebody can help me without using too much technical jargon, because I'm not the brightest crayon in the toolshed. I'm on Windows 7, if that helps at all. 64 bit. I don't know if I need to add anything else or not.

Edited by rebekah1
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I've heard of (and experienced) Fallout being finicky about where you install it. The default location of Windows7 would be like C:\Program Files (x86) I think. Try installing it in an area other than that, like in my case I made it in the root of my C:\ drive, so the path would be C:\Bethesda Softworks.


Also, have you installed any mods yet? If so, you might need the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! tweak.


I don't know anything about Intel GFX cards, I have an AMD myself so I'm not sure what to say about that...


So yeah try that and get back to me. I know how frustrating crashes and whatnot can be, I've been there :P

Edited by BeefyKrunch
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Crap double post my bad.


One more thing I almost forgot - when you do get it installed, try right-clicking the icon and click "Run as Administrator". Sometimes that can be an issue too, that there are insufficient privileges to actually run the program fully. You can make the run as admin thing permanent by right-clicking the icon and going to Properties. From there, go to the Compatibility tab and check the "Run this program as an administrator" box.

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Might I also add a suggestion that you use Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) and Fallout Script Extender (FOSE)? Using these in conjunction allows you to bypass both Steam's launcher and Games for Windows Live, instead simply launching the game. FOMM can be found on the nexus and FOSE with a quick google search.


Although I'm not sure but you may need it on Steam to work this way, sorry I'm not really an advanced user of FO3 with mods so be wary of my advice.

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The hilarious thing is that the Steam version still uses Games For Windows Live. However, as Zeph101 pointed out, FOMM has an option to install a "fake" xlive.dll that will bypass the need for GFWL altogether.


I suggest doing as described in here.


I've run FO3 on some under-par hardware, but never anything as bad as an Intel chip. It's possible that you're right about your graphical capabilities.

Edited by luthienanarion
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You could try compatibility mode. To get it, right click Fallout.exe, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab, check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2). That helped with stability on my Vista 64 bit system.






Edited by mechatech
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Might I also add a suggestion that you use Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM) and Fallout Script Extender (FOSE)? Using these in conjunction allows you to bypass both Steam's launcher and Games for Windows Live, instead simply launching the game. FOMM can be found on the nexus and FOSE with a quick google search.


Although I'm not sure but you may need it on Steam to work this way, sorry I'm not really an advanced user of FO3 with mods so be wary of my advice.


That would be great, but I don't use Steam.

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You could try compatibility mode. To get it, right click Fallout.exe, select Properties, select the Compatibility tab, check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select Windows XP (Service Pack 2). That helped with stability on my Vista 64 bit system.






Sorry, but I've already tried that.

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The hilarious thing is that the Steam version still uses Games For Windows Live. However, as Zeph101 pointed out, FOMM has an option to install a "fake" xlive.dll that will bypass the need for GFWL altogether.


I suggest doing as described in here.


I've run FO3 on some under-par hardware, but never anything as bad as an Intel chip. It's possible that you're right about your graphical capabilities.


Thanks, I'll try that thing you sent with the link. I don't know if it will work since I don't use the steam version-I use the disk-but it's worth a shot I guess.

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