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How do I make a hairstyle into a helmet?

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Hi everyone,

I’m new to modding for Skyrim Special Edition, so forgive me if I seem kinda dumb. I recently made a Jon Snow character replacement for Kaidan 2: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35467?tab=description and I have had a request to give additional hairstyles that can be changed for him. Jon Snow sometimes has a man bun, which looks lovely and I would like to be able to incorporate this addition into my replacement, maybe as a helmet type additional hairstyle, so it can be changed frequently. If anyone can lead me in the right direction I would be ever so grateful.
thank you!

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Hey, making a helmet hair is fairly simple.


In the CK, duplicate a helmet under Items / Armor and rename. Also duplicate the ArmorAddon it uses and rename it. You can see which ArmorAddon it uses under Models in the armor box. The name should end with AA. Delete the ArmorAddon there in your Armor duplicate and choose your duplicate ArmorAddon instead. In your ArmorAddon, under Male Biped Model, choose the nif file path of your hair.

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OK, I've extracted the vanilla nif files I needed, but I don't know how to attach the hairline?

Thank you so much for your help :-) I just need to find a way to import the hairline now, if it's the same situation as adding a hairstyle by parts to a a character, then I should be able to figure it out.

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No problem. To combine the two nifs, I recommend using Outfit Studio: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/201

Open outfit studio, drag and drop both the Hair and Hairline nifs in, then choose File - Export - Export to Nif. Name the new nif something unique and put it somewhere in your Data / Meshes folder. You could make a new folder in the meshes folder so it's easier to find later.

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