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Creation Kit dark face bug


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I've been creating a few new npcs in the creation kit, the problem is that they all have the dark face bug. I've made many npc mods in the past and using ctrl f4 would solve all the problems, however, this doesn't seem to be working anymore. I then tried going back to one of my older mods and making a new npc on an older esp, and the problem persisted, they had the dark face. Is this something to do with 1.8? or did I accidentally tweak something that I should not have touched? Any ideas?
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't believe no one messaged you or helped you.. I am sorry you had to do this alone.. :I Did you get it to work? I am still working on it...

I don't know the difference between a Active mod, and a plugin... I mean.. >_> I don't get it

So in creation kit i let all the mods I am using be plugins... And I made the perfect.. Face was black.. - _- Anyway........

From there I saved made relationship Etc.. And made it from scratch I used Mjoll because she is so strong.. And unbeatable.. But it failed.. So from scratch...

I just finished her.. Her face is dark in Cell.. But I will keep trying :I

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