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Anti-Disarm enchant?


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I just saw another mod using the same idea to try and make the player NOT get disarmed by shouts etc, so I figured it would be an interesting and balanced idea to make it into an enchantment via the enchanting tables (it also might be easier to do than said mod.)


So I propose adding a new effect that doesnt add damage or any other effects, but stops you getting disarmed (the shouts annoying enough, and I am sure modders will find other ways to disarm players in the future) so this enchant could be a great tool. Considering you would have to give up damage or other utility to get it, I hardly see it as overpowered.


If anyone has any ideas on this, and can help me and/or the other guy here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/865581-soulbound-weapons/ just post in either thread, I am sure both threads could use the info.

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