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Fawkes mod


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While playing with Fawkes as a companion, it occurred to me that he (she? it?) is remarkably similar to Frank Horrigan from Fallout 2 in that Horrigan was a mutant with an armored exoskeleton. While playing with the a mod that allows multiple companions and with the tesla armor mod (http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=408), I think it would be awesome to have Fawkes have a variant of the Tesla Armor so that he can fit in with the rest of my group. It wouldn't violate canon because something like this has been built before (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Frank_Horrigan) and it would give me the please of having a uniform group. So if anyone has the time and expertise, have at it. Thanks.
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