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FNV trailer homes appear transparent to sunlight


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I noticed that the interior walls of the trailer homes appear to reflect sunlight as if they were exterior walls.


For an example, find a trailer with an east facing wall at 9 in the morning - there is one in Goodsprings. The exterior east facing wall will be facing the sun and will be bright yellow and a bit harsh on the eyes. Go inside the trailer and the interior east facing wall will also be bright yellow and a bit harsh on the eyes.


Why do the trailer walls not cast shadows? Is this something that could be changed so that a trailer's interior illumination is solely from light through the door and windows?


(I have a trailer home mod and I would like to rid the mod of this interior reflection.)


** EDIT **

I just noticed the "reflection" is there at 7am as well, when there is a wooden building between the sun and the trailer. Obviously, I asked the wrong question. I am going to research this and probably ask more questions in another post.


What in any given texture produces the illusion of reflected sunlight in the Fallout game engine?

Why don't I perceive this reflection in (for example) wood textures?

Can I change the interior portion a trailer's texture to not "reflect", while leaving the exterior portion of the texture untouched?

Can I do this in gimp?


** END EDIT **






exterior wall:


interior wall:

Edited by oldman42
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