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A Blade in the Dark Dragon Bugged Out


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hey all,


i'm encountering a bug in game for the quest called A Blade in the Dark. Once I get the objective "locate the dragon burial site" I am then to meet and kill the dragon "Sahloknir" but instead of working correctly the dragon hovers in the correct place but then when I approach he simply flies off into the distance.


Any ideas on how to fix this annoyance?

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well ... i don't think it's a bug , there are two dragons there , one is " alduin " that is resurrecting an other dragon, and Sahloknir the one that is being resurrected , and your objective will be him not the one who is flying away (Alduin) .so you don't have to bother with him just focus on Sahloknir , yes he will fly in to distance but don't let him you must use whatever means necessary to make him remain where you are , of course he will fly for some distance but he'll be back every dragons do this for they want to use their breath attack and Sahloknir objective is to kill you so he won't fly away :biggrin:
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