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How to recover from W10 crash


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My computer crashed badly and I had to reinstall W10 from scratch. My Steam apps (Fallout 4, Skyrim SE) and Vortex mods were on an external SSD (D: drive) and are not affected.

I installed Vortex and pointed it to the Vortex mods on the D-drive, hoping that would work. But it told me that the Vortex mods folder needed to be empty.

I then moved the mods to another folder, pointed Vortex to the Vortex mods folder on the D: drive, closed it, moved the mods back into the Vortex mods folder and started Vortex again. It then informed me that those mods originated from another instance of Vortex and that it wanted to purge them.


I had hundreds of mods running, reinstalling them from Nexus would be a lot of work.

Is there a way to make Vortex absorb all the mods already present, so I don't have to reinstall them?

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