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USSEP Exploit Enabler Request


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USSEP does an incredible amount of good things, and I always feel like I'm being reckless when I don't use it. And yet, most of the time I don't use it because I don't want to give up all the fun things it removes: neromage perk benefits, wearing 5 amulets of Talos at once, the whiterun barrel jump out of bounds, OP ignite with aspect of terror, wearing a falmer mask and a circlet, just to name a few. Now, mods exist that add back in the resto loop and the Neromage buffs, but no one has yet to make anything more comprehensive than that. I know a lot of people are against exploits, and that's fine, but for those of us who aren't, anybody who could make a mod like this would do both us and our save files an incredible service.

TL;DR - people who like exploits really need a mod that adds back beneficial glitches so they can use the rest of the patch.

Edited by CynicalSyllables
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Here's the exploits I mentioned plus a couple more, all in list format (but not 100% comprehensive):

- neromage perk benefits + resto loop
- werewolf/vampire lord exploit to wear stack of apparel
- the whiterun barrel jump out of bounds
- Aspect of terror on fire spell damage
- wearing falmer helmet/dragon priest mask & a circlet
- obtaining both rewards from some quests (i.e. ill met by moonlight)
- Serana + other follower at same time (not sure if patched)

Edited by CynicalSyllables
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