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Shiny metal vanilla armors and weapons


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Hi everyone!


-First of all, I apologize if this has been requested earlier, but as there are more than a thousand pages of topics, I couldn't check out every one of them, only the first 50, but then I got tired, so I decided to make a new topic.


I played Skyrim for more than a year now and from the first few hours to these very minutes I just can't find a mod that would solve my 'problems'.

I noticed that the armors and weapons in Skyrim are so dull, so used, dirty or rusty that they do not shine at all. The only armor sets that have a little bit of shine on them are the Ebony, Dwarven and the Daedric sets. Maybe the Sleel Plate sets, but that's it.

As I look on the other sets (orcish, steel, glass, elven, etc.) they do not shine. Now, I don't know much about how textures work, I used to make a few in beginner leves, so what I understand is that there is a specularity to every texture. If I know right, there is also Cubemaps/Environmental maps that cause a texture to have a 'reflection' effect (which is not real-time, as far as I know, but only predefined textures) that are applied to specific surfaces of objects.


My request would be a modification to the game that enhances, increases or adds environmental maps to all the metal sets and weapons (iron sets could be exceptional, because they really look like rough surfaces and shouldn't really shine in reality either). I want my armors to look like polished or shiny metal, not like glossy plastic that shine ridiculuosly strong close to bright lights sources.


I understand that normalmaps/bumpmaps can make the process of making these cubemaps visible quite hard. If so, feel free to remove them from the metal surfaces if it helps you modders in any way! I JUST WANT MY DAMN REFLECTIONS! :D

I don't really mind if this would make steel armor set look like it's made of polished stainless metal, because that is kind of what I want! :)

There a a few mods that add weapons into the game which have awesome reflections/shine on them, I want something like that on metal armor sets and weapons. :)


I really hope anyone here could make this mod, I'm sure there are lots of other people who would like this mod to be made. I thank you in advance for any info on how to make it and if someone could actually make this mod, I would be most grateful. I would also be sure to endorse the mod, and support it any other way I can as well as recommend it for my friends. If someone, who already has mods out would make this, I would be sure to gladly check out his/her other mods as well! ;)

If it would be easier to any of you to make the mod in parts and update it from time-to-time, NO PROBLEM AT ALL! :)


Please, any modders, I really-really need this for my game, I can't look at my armors and weapons like this any longer! ><


Thank you in advance for anyone who would like to help me ^^



Edited by tundercat
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Well you have 2 solution:


-First you make the mod work using nifscope

-Second you look for the set and weapons that you use often in the nexus until you find the right one.


Good luck


First of all thank you for your reply! :)


Umm.. The reason I made this request is because there is no such mod yet, and I can't make it myself because I lack knowledge and free time :/

Searching the Nexus for a year didn't work out sadly so I had to make a request.


However, if nodoby is willing to make a mod like this, I guess I have to start working on it myself, but I'm afraid that would take forever since I don't even know the basics of modding.


What I can do is wait and hope for the best :)

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