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twi leks in oblivion


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i was wandering if some one would come up with a twi lek model or race for oblivion i do realize it would take some custom stuff and i also realize it would be adding star wars to oblivion but master is there anyway i am requesting that some make it and if there is anyone that will anyway im on here all so plz just leave a message here
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there is a group of modders under the leadership of Chris 07 they are making a TC ( total conversion) into star wars i dont have the link to there site but i can guess Twi'leks will be in there



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Just thinking out loud about how this could reasonably be done.


The basic skeleton doesn't have bones for the leks, so the figure would either need a custom skeleton (not an option for an Oblivion playable character, but otherwise feasible for others), or else they would have to be permanently draped around the shoulders and weighted to move with them - in which case they could be made as a "wig" for the regular figures.


So a question to the OP. Did you want to play as one, or just have them wandering around?

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Just thinking out loud about how this could reasonably be done.


The basic skeleton doesn't have bones for the leks, so the figure would either need a custom skeleton (not an option for an Oblivion playable character, but otherwise feasible for others), or else they would have to be permanently draped around the shoulders and weighted to move with them - in which case they could be made as a "wig" for the regular figures.


So a question to the OP. Did you want to play as one, or just have them wandering around?


not to play as one but have as a companion or something i had though of the wig thing but i dont know anthing abuot how to make it happen

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