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Armor Variants - My Ongoing Project


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It just doesn't look right =/

it just looks like a recolour of the original armor (which it pretty much is), have you thought about makeing your very own armor? modeling your own armor? Then it would be a great armour proberly


My Mod 1


My Mod 2


Well, I've thought about it at least two times.

Three if differences between light and heavy variants count. (probably not in this case, as they are really similar and made from same assets)


+ the numerous "prototypes" I had of the first armor.


Anyway, yeah, couldn't think of anything more "proper" for the glass, as it doesn't have certain pattern on it, but now that I think of it, maybe adding golden(=moonstone) edges?like to "hold it together". I guess I could try it and see what it looks like. (original glass armor is mostly made of moonstone)

As for the ebony and elven, it'd probably be possible to do similar patterns to those which the original armors have. (or well, at least for elven. The thing with Ebony is pretty much the dark'n'shiny)

Also, as for the link you posted, it looks like the ebony armor texture was just slammed on the iron cuirass :biggrin:, but the idea is great! Definitely gonna try it myself when I get to the point when I start to think about elven variant.



Also, Bjornheim, I hope you took a look at the second picture posted on comments? It's MUCH better than the first one and looks more like glass.

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